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Time the badgers?:

"C`mon boys, alarm`s going off. Time to get up & out."

"Can`t be. Its still light out there."

"Well, I dunno!"

Or time the lights, so they only come on in the day, when the badgers are sleeping, so as not disturb `em?

Sorry, you`ve lost me.........

WHAT?Time the badgers?:

"C`mon boys, alarm`s going off. Time to get up & out."

"Can`t be. Its still light out there."

"Well, I dunno!"

Or time the lights, so they only come on in the day, when the badgers are sleeping, so as not disturb `em?

Sorry, you`ve lost me.........
Applaud SmileyApplaud SmileyApplaud Smiley :^O :^O

won't it frighten the badgers?Apache! where are you when we beef you?
I`m of the opinion that, before we discuss this much further, we need the professional input of our `pache.
I am catching up on posts!

Not sure how much light you are aiming on providing over what area but why not use a red filter? Much less likely to spook them with bright white lights. Just to observe the little beasties wouldn't need a lot of light.

The issue I see with taking people to see the badgers, would be if people find they are there then you are putting the badgers at risk. Bating does go on as does fighting them with fighting dogs. Also depending what part of the world you are in would depend how vicious people feel to them regarding tuberculosis.

Not sure if the vibration from a petrol generator would be an issue, in terms of disturbing them with vibration through the ground?

Just as a wild, off the wall suggestion - what about some low light level overhead lighting along the route to the sett and use the overhead wire to feed the sett itself? If you had some lights along the way would give the overhead wire a more apparent purpose? AND save people breaking their necks getting there (health and safety).

Nice, well thought out reply `pache.

And good link above mate - I`d want to be VERY careful how this was approached - maybe speak to the authorities listed in the post, and get their thoughts on it.


Have a look at this before you start putting lights up around a badger setthttp://www.badger.org.uk/_Attachments/Resources/47_S4.pdf
Good general link BUT I'm not sure how it applies in this case?

So long as the set is not disturbed. The only mention of lights is:

Badgers are also listed in Schedule 6 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 and section 11 of this Act prohibits the use of certain methods of taking or killing a wild animal, including illuminating devices and some snares.
This is referring to 'lamping' badgers - using a bright spot light at night time to find then and then shoot them with a rifle.

What the OP suggests is done at various places around the country, so can't be illegal in itself. See what the Badger Trust have to say!

Good general link BUT I'm not sure how it applies in this case?So long as the set is not disturbed. The only mention of lights is:

This is referring to 'lamping' badgers - using a bright spot light at night time to find then and then shoot them with a rifle.

What the OP suggests is done at various places around the country, so can't be illegal in itself. See what the Badger Trust have to say!
Whilst installing the lighting will they not be disturbing the sett and surrounding area which is illegal?

That was my concern too mate, which was the reason for my post. I agree with `patchio that those regs don`t DIRECTLY affect the badgers, or the sett, but there could be secondary effects, as you say.

I`d want to speak to at least one of the regulatory authorities first......

ok, thanks everyone, my heads starting to hurt now, the last thing we want to do is disturb or upset the badgers, the lights arent going to be right in their faces with us all sat round gawping at them from 5 ft away, the lights will be high in the trees and give out about the same light as a full moon does, they stick around for a few hours eating the nuts we have put down round the sett and then they disappear off into the night to do their thing. Then the lights go off. Hope that makes it all a bit clearer. G

The Badger trust and many badger groups operate hides where people can go and watch badgers and learn about their behaviour, the ones i have been to use white lights. also security is an issue and again the 2 setts i went to used quite sophisticated security measures. All points noted, its good to hear so much concern for the welfare of these creatures. Also forgot to mention that this sett is on my land, so security will be easier to arrange.G

The Badger trust and many badger groups operate hides where people can go and watch badgers and learn about their behaviour, the ones i have been to use white lights. also security is an issue and again the 2 setts i went to used quite sophisticated security measures. All points noted, its good to hear so much concern for the welfare of these creatures. Also forgot to mention that this sett is on my land, so security will be easier to arrange.G
in rthe security id hope cctv systems will be in place ;)

Just a little after thought , how about contacting The Badger Trust for advice , as you say they operate hides to allow people to view the sets at night time , so they have had the same problems as yourself and maybe able to offer you excellant advice about how they did it and also to make sure you do not fall foul of the law.
