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Senior Member
Jul 10, 2011
Reaction score
hey every1

Zeespark is having computer problems atm so he is about but sporadically untill he sorts he pc out

he asked me to post this for him

Maybe he's one of those people who likes to plug his computer into his hi-fi unit ?...... sorry no that would be stereotyping.....

I hope you manage to get it sorted soon Zeespark ! :)

lol, after a telephone call with mr zee this morning,

1st potential diagnosis is a faulty IEC Connection, Symptoms - no lights coming on on tower, but monitor etc working

so i asked him to unplug the IEC and give it a gentle tap to dislodge any dust particles that may be affecting the connection, and then to gently blow into the connection socket at the back of the tower, then plug the IEC lead back in, for a short period of time the tower powered up, but then shortly after went off, which leads me to beleive that its either an iffy IEC connection or possibly a break in his IEC lead somewhere.

i asked him to unplug the IEC and give it a gentle tap to dislodge any dust particles that may be affecting the connection, and then to gently blow into the connection socket at the back of the tower, then plug the IEC lead back in,
Is this what they call 'cyber sex'?

Just an update for you all, I took it in to be repaired yesterday at about 16:40, they asked Me to hang on for ten minutes. I did this, they diagnosed the problem to be a duff PSU while I was there. They asked Me to pop in on Thursday/Friday to collect it. I have just had a call from them asking when I would like to collect it as it has been fixed - a 19 hour turn around and
