Tablet Pc For A 6 Year Old?

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Nov 28, 2009
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I'm a bit of a dinosaur myself. I have a mobile telphone to speak to people on and I have a PC for all my computing needs.

So I've avoided all these spart phones, tablets, ipads etc as too big and too fragile to put in a pocket, and too small to be a serious computer. Hence I know just about jack about them.

Mrs PD thinks it's time for our 6 year old daughter to have a tablet for Christmas. So what to buy her?

Here are 3 contenders that Mrs PD has found:


Or should we forget the kids versions and go for a "proper" tablet, an android for example?

What does the panel think?

And if we go for a "proper" tablet, does it have to be tied to a phone contract? Do they function (as a computer) without a phone contract? We have wi fi in the house so would want it to connect to that.

So educate this old dinosaur as to what we should be getting.

Other questions are the "apps" for these things free? or do you have to pay for anything worthwhile?


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from what I know Dave the leapfrog one is the one to have,

saying that, me and the missus has been thinking about getting our 4yo something, but it will deffo be a proper [albeit basic], proper Android one, if we do decide to get him one this year,

he has had a PC since last xmas [an old one I used to use], running 'edubuntu' , and he seems to get on ok with it doing basic drawing and games on.

oh, if you go for a proper tablet as long as it has wifi then that is all you need to connect to your house wifi, no phone contracts or anything else required.

I have an Ipad and i can recommend it :) mine however is not tied to any contracts it is the WiFi only

there are a few different android ones out at the moment :) at reasonable prices

or what about the Blackberry Playbook, inexpensive (approx £120-150) they come in WiFi and 3G, 100's of free apps

and there is a child friendly one called a Kurio if i recall correctly that you can get various cases for including a bounce proof rubber case not sure of the pricing structures though

Im sure whichever you decide, your daughter will be made up, and perhaps even could teach you how to use it dave :)

Thanks for the advice so far.

I think what I'm getting at, is what will best prepare her for getting a "proper" one later as she grows up? That's what sways us towards the Kurio, but at about £150 it's three times the price of the leappad etc.

The two things that bug me. Whatever we decide, by the time she's grown up enough for a "proper" one, technology will have moved on. and regardless of what's "best" then, the one she will want is the one all her school chums have.

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the issue with the leap pad one, is the apps and games are extremely limited! and as she grows and develops she may become bored with such item and it will sit in the back of the cupboard gathering dust!

perhaps purchasing a normal tablet pc such as the Kurio, or android platform tablets, this will be adaptable to her as she grows and shud last her a few more years then the likes of the leap pad tablet :)

Also with the android platforms and others of the similar they are updateable on the softwares therefore kind of keeping upto date whereas the leap pad does not have this function.

this is the one Im looking at Dave

put some parental controls on it, and a good bumper protector, still be well under a 100. :)

the only other one Id consider is the nexus 7 , but its 200£ !

there was another one I saw a couple of weeks ago, but I cant find it now, its round the 100£ mark.

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this is the one Im looking at Dave

put some parental controls on it, and a good bumper protector, still be well under a 100. :)

the only other one Id consider is the nexus 7 , but its 200£ !

there was another one I saw a couple of weeks ago, but I cant find it now, its round the 100£ mark.
Looks good steps.

Where can you get a bumper for it? can't find one. And without any protection I can't see it lasting long,

dunno yet dave,

my next mission I would think,

depending on the plugs etc it may have to be a generic one maybe, ?!

saying that, this is deffo the one Im seriously considering right now,

TBH, its probably too much for my young lad, but, I can use it too for stuff as well. :)

I love eBuyer too but is it worth checking out say Toys R Us or Smythes?


Specifically as maybe a "first" tablet this 7" one for £59.99. Elonex are OK I think (PC makers?):


Then Smythes:

I'd personally avoid THIS model:

Got my boy's from HMV just before last Xmas but the dc power jack is fragile as anything. My nephew bought 4 for his kids and ended up taking them ALL back for a refund because they broke (the jack) one after the other! I repaired ours with a jack off of eBay but it was a ***** to solder in and not worth the hassle.

Been after something similar but maybe in 5" for my 13 year old .............been looking at the "iCoo" and "JXD" brands on eBay - seem a lot of kit for not too much money.

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I am Apple crazy and have all the goodies they incessantly roll out but needed a 'cheap and cheerful' tablet for using out and about, in the van etc. yesterday I bought the Asus Versus which cost £99. It is Android and I have to say I am so impressed with it that I will probably buy one for my 10 year old.

iv just bought 2 x Kurio's for my 5 year old neice and my 9 year old neice for xmas, as both of them argue like mad whenever i take my ipad down there that they want to go on it but cant play nicely and share it :)

and im now looking at getting the LeapPad Tablet for my 2 year old nephew for xmas!

so much easier now they getting a bit older, if its techno related then they want it!

although i am struggling to find summat for my 4 year old nephew, as you ask him what he wants from santa, and his response is santa has enought boys and girls to get presents for, and iv got lots of toys already!

Im not convinced the Kurio is value, 70£ for a bump screen and some pre-installed parental stuff and an under spec machine.!?

sorry Mrs S, I think its a rip off,!

iv just bought 2 x Kurio's for my 5 year old neice and my 9 year old neice for xmas, as both of them argue like mad whenever i take my ipad down there that they want to go on it but cant play nicely and share it :)

and im now looking at getting the LeapPad Tablet for my 2 year old nephew for xmas!

so much easier now they getting a bit older, if its techno related then they want it!

although i am struggling to find summat for my 4 year old nephew, as you ask him what he wants from santa, and his response is santa has enought boys and girls to get presents for, and iv got lots of toys already!
LEGO is always good, my little lad is well into his just now,

but, he likes his tech too, thats why I'm thinking a tablet so he will stop wanting my phone.

i didnt pay that much for it steps, i paid less then £30 for them brand new off ebay, this is why i love ebay!

ill eventually find summat for the 4 year old,

I'm seriously considering getting one of these JXD 5" Android tablets from the far east for my boy. He's mad keen on games anyway............I got his DS Lite from Hong Kong a good few years back and it's been as good as gold. A tad concerned in case it incurs extra duty though. It should play music, videos etc and allow a bit of web access to. Has built in game emulators.

Think it means it a "gravity sensor" whatever that is? Guess the sort of thing that allows you to hold and turn the tablet like a steering wheel for driving games etc.
