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  1. Manator

    Light stays on and 'waves' without power

    Hi Patrick and welcome to the forum. I would suggest that you get the electrician back and fix your problem. I am, as are all forum members, not in full knowledge of your particular installation so could not assume anything other than it does not work how it should. If your electrician is a...
  2. Manator


    People have had points for circumventing the swear filter, I would much rather see **** as it is. we all know what it says without the extra work. Example dog **** camel **** fox **** See its all ****
  3. Manator

    has anyone done the 2365 level 3 and the bridge units?

    a little editorial abuse. We have a forum sponsor @eodneil I am sure he will point you in the right direction, after all that's what he does for a living.
  4. Manator

    What is it?

    You could feel the electricity, it made all the hairs on your body stand up. I hated it, but I do feel comfortable around live installations as a result.
  5. Manator

    What is it?

    We use to work on rooms like that. We could re-direct distribution through the busbars using a long pole with a hook on it. The action had to be firm and smooth or the forks would arc and weld together, or blow to smithereens.
  6. Manator

    What is it?

    Yes Canoeboy has to travel upnorth and turn it off
  7. Manator

    What is it?

    Interestingly I was looking through some old copies of The Engineer and found this report from the IET annual meeting in 1954. it will of course only be interesting to those with a nostalgic engineering bent. The topics and the...
  8. Manator

    What is it?

    The problem is Andy if the fuse blew the pendulum was supposed too drop indicating the fault, in bad weather they often got stuck in the open position. I do not know much about them as I was only a young lad at the time but I know enough that no one liked going anywhere near them.
  9. Manator

    What is it?

    We had one in the late 1970's outside a cotton mill, no one would go near it.
  10. Manator

    What is it?

    Bloody hell that's old. The pendulums use to stick and did not work properly. Most people did not like to tap off them. That's if I am on the right track. ;)
  11. Manator

    three-floor hallway lighting conundrum!

    This is an example of a 3 gang grid plate. The switches are sold separately so any configuration of switching can be achieved.
  12. Manator

    Did I miss something ?

    Most people have not heard of them but it is the new re-branded name for the Electrical Safety Council
  13. Manator

    Intruder alarm problem

    Hi Mr James, unfortunately giving information over the internet about disabling alarms is not what any one within the law would like to do.
  14. Manator

    Going round in circles?

    I see a spiral, but if you adjust your eyes (like you did for those puzzle pictures) then I see circles.
  15. Manator

    Options for surface mount sockets in units

    It also has the advantage that if the outlets do not correctly match up, nothing is lost other than a longer length of flexi conduit required.
  16. Manator

    Options for surface mount sockets in units

    The method you describe is the probably most often utilised. However I have always found that if you terminate into a galv stop end conduit box you can come out of that with flexible conduit direct into the sockets. Or if using a standard galv back box you could do the same but use a metal blank...
  17. Manator

    A waste of time and annoyed!

    I have often heard that people who advertise as odd job men get more work than if you advertised as an electrician.
  18. Manator

    Newly self-employed, need help pricing a job :)

    If it is important to you and you would not like to wait you could PM a moderator with your concerns. All moderators have to act without prejudice and must act fairly
  19. Manator

    Newly self-employed, need help pricing a job :)

    I hate it when people bring racism into debates in order to  justify their standing. I have not seen one racist remark in the whole of this thread. Not one person has stated that all Polish are bad or all Romanians are bad or that they are all the same. The examples given have been witnessed...
  20. Manator

    Newly self-employed, need help pricing a job :)

    I am not even mildly racist, I have many friends from other parts of the world and religions even extended family. One of my past apprentices was Muslim, one of my best friends is Romanian. I have been many of their homes and enjoyed their company. The example that I gave is one I have...