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  1. legs_akimbo

    Mick from Mayo Ireland

    That is plan B Steptoe
  2. legs_akimbo

    TT races

    Problems being, in today's compensation culture, one or two accidents and someone, or the family of someone are going to sue the arse out of an event backed to the hilt by the liberalist brigade. With claims that they were not made aware of the danger, there was no one to hold my hand, the grass...
  3. legs_akimbo

    TT races

    No spectators killed !!! Even I have to stop and think is it right to have a sport where not only the participants are killed on a fairly regular basis but those who go to watch it are killed also. I am 100% for taking responsibility for whatever sport you choose to take up and any...
  4. legs_akimbo

    Mick from Mayo Ireland

    thanks steptoe.
  5. legs_akimbo

    Mick from Mayo Ireland

    Quick Connect Conduit Coupler - 25mm Push-fit - QVS Electrical Supplies | Electrical Wholesaler Five scintillating posts later I can now post links. These are the push fits I came across, but pricey. Does this mean now I have five posts I can Spam the hell out of this forum ?..... I wouldnt do...
  6. legs_akimbo

    Swansea beat Reading 4-2 to win their place in the Premiership...

    Its the wood work that saved the Swans from getting beat by Forest, that and Billy Davies abysmal tactics and team selection, I see De Vries is off to wolves today. Good luck to Swansea, dont do a Derby (11 points in a season)
  7. legs_akimbo

    TT races

    Were there not three seperate deaths in the Isle of man this year did I read somewhere, surprised the do good brigade are not calling for its abolition, if this were boxing they would be out in force .
  8. legs_akimbo

    I thought Steps had turned up this morning!!!!

    I did a job for my sister in Nottingham a couple of years back and was plagued by mostly Romanians looking for scrap, at least once or twice a day, another poor fella was working across the road one day and they called to him after me, but he had nipped out to the shop and they lifted all his...
  9. legs_akimbo

    Mick from Mayo Ireland

    Sorry lads I should have been more specific. I am acually making polytunnels out of them. So any compliances are not in this case relevant. I stumbled across these conduits and they are perfect for rolling into a 14 ft wide polytunnel by joining the two together, only problem is once they are...
  10. legs_akimbo

    Mick from Mayo Ireland

    Hi Mick here, Just paying you a quick vist from "sunny" Ireland (not) and am afraid I wont be hanging round, as sparks is an alien trade to me and you may as well be talking in tongues for all I would understand. The purpose of my visit however is to ask for your guys help in sourcing a...