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  1. mheyes

    Looking for MS-DOS disks or images

    Hi I have done a few of these is it for hmi or scada
  2. mheyes

    AutoCad Electrical 2012

    It's a version of autocad aim at controls engineers. I use it at work and it takes training to even do the basics eg plot scale cross ref. Try amtech pro design or caddy ++ Autocad elec genuine will cost +
  3. mheyes

    Internet capable House Alarm.

    Just had a look round it seems that you can fit an add on unit to the galaxy g2 panel that gives it Ethernet connection but reading between the lines it looks like u have to buy a software package that allows u to control it remotely
  4. mheyes

    Internet capable House Alarm.

    I don't think you will find one. Google "remote telemetry unit" we use these to monitor industrial control panels. I no its not the same thing but they might do something for alarms. Or try ADT
  5. mheyes


    I agree with your point. Trying to explain to a landlord the the regs are not retro respective is very hard. They always think you are trying to rip them off. I take your point with the eicr, the contractor may not do much domestic testing. I have seen a report that have had a c1 for circuits...
  6. mheyes

    Harmonised colours arze!!

    You find machines from Italy with all red cables. German machines wired with what ever colour cable they have in there workshop. It drives me mad when trying to fault find. Don't even get me started on electrical drawing standards OMG