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  1. M

    Extractor fan in landing???

    did the don not get into his car and it blew up.
  2. M

    electric shock?

    still not getting my point, seems to me you have the 1 brain cell. dont worry i eat alot of steak so ive got a good strong heart plus reaction speed like andy murray haha.
  3. M

    Mounting Consumer Units

    jolly good show chaps
  4. M

    Extractor fan in landing???

    that means i would have to core though walls an all sorts of ****. i think ill just leave that job for now lol
  5. M

    electric shock?

    seems to me ive caused quite a stir. not bad for my first post eh ladies. ive only got shocks before by accident alot of people here think i do it dilibriate so you must be idiots to think that. most of the time its just touching an exposed wire thats loose in a socket or connector block or...
  6. M

    Extractor fan in landing???

    i went to a job yesterday to install a new 4 inch fan. it was for an internal bathroom but the window for the bathroom was on the oppisite side of the landing outside the flat where the stairwell is. the wondowalready had a small vent which wasnt taking the steam away so could i put a fan...
  7. M

    electric shock from cooker switch

    i didnt stick my finger on it. and was the metal casing of the ccu that was live and i touch that holy ****.
  8. M

    electric shock from cooker switch

    elephants trunk is a cooker outlet point.. yes all polarity is correct. but the earth was connected to the metal box. so theory is if earth is live then the earth bar in the main board should be aswell but it wasnt. wht the hell is that all about. earth wasnt touching anything at the outlet etc...
  9. M

    electric shock?

    rubber mat. condoms are made from latex. is this an electricians forum or a plumbers haha.
  10. M

    electric shock from cooker switch

    today i was out at a job coz the guy got a shock from his cooker. so i check out the cooker itself an the elephants nose and all was clear, so i went to open up the ccu which is just one of those really old ones like a big metal box and ****in bam:^O. got a shock. so after i turned breaker off i...
  11. M

    electric shock?

    hmm i suppose, yes i do touch live wires. who doesnt these days. so to recap if i touch live but i was on a fully insulated rubber mate, because rubber is an insulator jst like in my trainers them i wouldnt get a shock? i got one today come to think about it put ill put up a new thread ken
  12. M

    electric shock?

    why is that why i touch an exposed live wire i get a shock even thou my trainers have rubber soles. i only touched the live and not any other cable like earth etc. can any1 explain? thanks againGuiness Drink