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  1. L

    Cable Tray

    Just a quick one if anyone knows or a Reg or any mention anywhere of which way up tray has to be installed? I've been asked by the NHBC regarding another job if there's a certain way it should be mounted. As far as I'm aware it should be installed face up as in a "tray" shape but cant find any...
  2. L

    Design / Estimator

    yeh done the 2391 and will be enrolling on the design course soon. All my exams and course I'm willing to pay for I'm just looking for a good company to employ me and train me hopefully.
  3. L

    Design / Estimator

    I qualified as an electrician not to long ago now and have since worked up to the site foreman. I'm looking to move more into the technical side of things either into the Design or estimating side of things. Was just wondering if anyone has any hints, tips or courses that might position me...
  4. L

    CSU Height

    Well I guess if wheelchair users were isolating a circuit so they can change a ceiling rose then complying to part M might make sense. I can see myself making a call to the NIC about this, but I'm not sure if the cat will be more helpful yet.
  5. L

    CSU Height

    Yeh it's a bit of an awkward one. I just naturally have always put it at 1200 without thinking (or looking in the regs) in the past, the main reason for this is it's one less height for the tackers to forget when bringing the cables out and secondly keeps it easily accessible. Just wanted to...
  6. L

    CSU Height

    Does the Height of the CSU have to be within the Part M regs of 1200 to the top? I always thought it had to comply but received the specification for a job My teams just about to start from the M&E consultants the it states the boards as being 2200 center. Tight to the ceiling seems a...
  7. L

    Wierd cooker Connections

    Depends what kind of oven the lady has. I installed an oven for my mother earlier this year what had a 400v option. It was a "Falcon" oven (massive great thing) which is a professional make but kind of threw me all the same. Also came across a customer with a ceramic hob the other day that...
  8. L

    Grid systems

    25mm metal recessed box. Already installed in the wall and now want to install a grid system. Have i got to replace the box with a grid manufactures specific system now?
  9. L

    Grid systems

    any experience with a grid system not fitting in a standard 25mm back box?
  10. L

    Neon screwdrivers!!

    Down to the use and the way its used is what the manufacturer will argue. In my experience if I'm testing someones work and I spot a neon screwdriver in there tool box, I'm usually inclined to double check everything. It's a fool proof way of spotting a rookie or someone with a death wish.
  11. L

    Neon screwdrivers!!

    The old neon screwdrivers would fail open therefore you would act as a nice earth hence a lovely electric shock. Thats there the no no comes from. The new ones apparently are tested to fail closed (acts like a fuse) so that you wont get a shock, I personally don't trust them and think they...
  12. L

    Grid systems

    Every worked with "Varlight PowerGrid"??? Cheapest for what i need from TLC....
  13. L

    coloured floods

    Gels the only way i know how to do i.
  14. L

    Grid systems

    Any favorite grid systems for anyone or are they all as much of a pain as one another. I only have experience using Legrand and MK. Will any make of grid system work in a standard 25mm back box or do some only work with there own back boxes? ?:| ? :| ?:| Many Thanks
  15. L

    Intermediate Dimmers

    Sorry momentary lapse of thought. Come up with another solution. Not what she was promised but far less expensive that master slave options. Thanks to both of you
  16. L

    Intermediate Dimmers

    Is it possible using a grid system? intermediate dimmers as part of a grid system exist?
  17. L

    Intermediate Dimmers

    anyone ever seen or heard of a 4 gang intermediate dimmer switch? Been brought in to second fix and electrical cowboy's (from the look of it) work. Apparently he's told her it can do this and that...Now I've got the job of explaining his mistakes. Many thanks
  18. L


    I have just finished my 2330 and started my 2391... The testing required of you is fairly basic and you shouldnt worry to much about it. It's fairly easy to pick up. Best bet is as suggested above read the OSG and understand why your doing that test and what its showing you (a lot of qulified...
  19. L

    Marking am2

    Little update and another question: I have now finished my AM2 and have got a little nudge wink from the test centre saying I did "ok" in all section however they werent sure about my installation. I scored 58 marks out of the 75. I know why and simply ran out of time and made some stupid...
  20. L

    Marking am2

    Just started my AM2 and feel I have done the installation correctly so far.... (with a few worrying momments) Only thing was I have a bad feeling I failed my safe isolation f my test rig. I'm sure I did everything correctly but alas I did see the examineer putting down some crosses and fear...