18th edition

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From the 1st july onward.

You can pre-order now from various places for delivery as soon as it is available.

I will wait until the £5 CD versions appear on ebay.  That's about what is is worth.

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Being in England, my scam won't accept a dodgy CD copy....
I had this argument with my scammers many years ago..."you can't have that, it's a copy"!

me........"your rules say you must have a Copy of the current regs.  This is a copy"

them...."yes but no but yes but no...but that is not what it means"

me.....'but that is what it SAYS'

i was doing it as a windup...I already had a copy but I was seeing how far I could push it...I pushed it quite a distance

Only admitted to my ruse to stop him having a seizure

Is it really important where it comes from providing its current? 

Well yes ............ they want the profit from selling you the books!

My assessment is in May or June this year - wonder if they will expect me to have the 18th books by then? I'm inclined to wait as long as I can!

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Oh please Duck don’t go giving them ideas, they’re more than capable of coming up with enough daft ones on their own. 

Soon we’ll have a Dummies guide to electrics, or is that the 18th? 

Just had my latest assessment , he said something about they wouldn't be insisting on ........this  bit I don't remember too well ......either ownership  or taking some sort of exam until 2020  :C         

I remember thinking I will have probably stopped work  by then .

I certainly won't be rushing out for my copy .     Again , £80 -- £90  for a book  , of which the content will be 90%  the same as  the BYB   and 80%  the same as the BRB . 

As  Kerch says , wait for the rip off mistakes and amendments  to be ironed out first.  

Although its published June (or is it July) 2018, isn't the implementation date Jan 2019. So all work can carry on as per 17th until the end of the year? May as well wait and get it as a Christmas present, if that's the case?

Doc H. 
