2330-205 level 2 online exam

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Junior Member
Apr 22, 2009
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Have this test in 2 weeks, feel a bit guilty I havn't been revising as hard as I did for my 2330-203 which I got a distinction for. Has anyone done the 2330-205 technical exam? how hard is it compared to the 203? should I be revising my ass off?

Appreciate any help.

Reasurring to know :D just gotta hope 70% of the questions are stuff like what type of fixings do we use for armoured cables ;)

Agreed - the 203 is the harder exam of the level 2 and the 301 is the harder exam of the level 3.

You should always study hard. :)

Speaking of which - that is what I have to do again later. :_|

Never assume anything is easy based on past results.

I did, and got two distinctions and a credit, I should have had three distinctions.

I always found calculations hard, I could never remember the correct formula, before any exam I concentrated on the weak point of my knowledge which where always calcs(I still struggle)

On the day you either know it or you do not, but if you know the basics you can work anything out.

Grasp the basics and any question your up against can be worked out.

Thanks for replies going to get my head in the books, your right hornet I learned that the hard way after failing my 202 exam twice because of my stupidity in not revising, after my 2nd resit it gave me a real kick up the ass and practically dedicated my social life to revising in those few weeks and got a distinction Guiness Drink. I have been revising for this 205 exam but I dont think enough to be credit/distinction standard I'd be happy with just a pass though.

Here are some questions that may come up in the 205 hope they are of some use to you!

Q1. What supply system uses the neutral conductor also as an earth, (PEN) ?

a) TT


c) IT

d) TNC-S

Q2. Part 7 of the IEE BS7671 referes to:

a) Inspection and testing

B) Assessment of general Characteristics

c) Special installations or Locations

d) Selection and erection of equipment

Q3. With class I and II cabling installed in Trunking, how should they be run:

a) Twisted together

B) Placed in the same trunking provided currents don't exceed 10A

c) Placed in separate compartments

d) in oposite directions to each other

Q4. What classification of fuse is rewireable:

a) BS3036

B) BS EN60898

c) BS 1362

d) BS88

Q5. Where a motor has its isolation in another room:

a) the Isolator must be able to be locked off in the on position

B) the isolator must be in red

c) the isolator must be able to be locked off in the off position

d) Must be moved nearer to the motor

Q6. What information is required in order to write a materials list:

a) Circuit diagrams and time sheets

B) Layout diagrams and specifications

c) Wiring diagrams and manufacturers data sheets

d) Health and safety report and plant required lists

Q7. In bathrooms, what zone is the actual bath tub:

a) 0

B) 1

c) 2

d) 3

Q8. When installing conduit along a wall, a distance saddle would be used because:

a) of high temperature

B) of condensation

c) of low temperature

d) of vibration

Q9. When a cable is installed that goes through insulation, the rated:

a) current should be decreased

B) current is doubled every 1m

c) current should be increased

d) current stays the same

Q10. In a long run of data cabling, the pairs are twisted together to:

a) decrease the cable size

B) cut down the cost of the cable

c) make it neater

d) cut down interference

Q11. An exposed conductive part has become live due to a short from phase, prevention of electric shock by earthed equipotential bonding and the automatic disconnection of supply is by:


B) an earth cable

c) trunking

d) not touching it

Q12. What is the maximum spacing of clips for 2.5mm T&E running Horizontally:

a) 250mm

B) 300mm

c) 350mm

d) 400mm

Q13. After working on a domestic installation, rubbish should be:

a) Swept under the carpet

B) Placed in the bin

c) Left for the customer to clear up

d) Taken away and disposed of correctly

Q14. On a layout plan, you would expect to find the following information:

a) How to wire up the installation

B) What the circuit protective devises are rated at

c) The positions of light switches and power outlets

d) Where the coffee machine is

Q15. What type of thermostat would you expect to find in an immersion heater:

a) Simmerstat

B) Invar rod

c) Oven stat

d) Room stat

Q16. At what depth should an SWA cable be buried:

a) 600mm from top of cable to ground level

B) 600mm from bottom of cable to ground level

c) 150mm from top of cable to ground level

d) 150mm from bottom of cable to ground level

Q17. What is the maximum permitted voltage drop of a cable supplied from 400v three phase:

a) 40v

B) 24v

c) 16v

d) 9.1v

Q18. What percentage of trunking can be filled with cables:

a) 35%

B) 45%

c) 55%

d) 65%

Q19. What must not be connected to a copper earth electrode:

a) Tinned copper conductor

B) Aluminium conductor

c) Multi-strand copper conductor

d) Lead conductor

Q20. What isn't covered by the scope of the BS7671:

a) Prefabricated buildings

B) Exhibitions and fairs

c) Agricultural and horticultural premises

d) Fixed offshore installations

Q21. Where would it be suitable to use a fixed-temperature type heat detector:

a) Kitchen

B) Dinning room

c) Hallway

d) Garage

Q22. A type of emergency light fixture that only illuminates when the power fails is:

a) Maintained

B) Wired wrong

c) Non-maintained

d) Needs maintenance

Q23. For an explosive atmosphere to exist three things are required:

a) air, an ignition source and the temperature to be above 35C

B) air, an ignition source and a hazard

c) air, a hazard and dust

d) Forgetting the card, flowers and the chocolates

Q24. Spring toggles are used to fix electrical equipment to:

a) Hollow walls

B) Brick walls

c) Wooden floors

d) Steel girders

Q25. Isolators used to isolate supplies are designed to operate under:

a) overload conditions

B) full load conditions

c) Short circuit conditions

d) No load conditions

Q26. Cables being routed through wooden joists must have a distance vertically from top or bottom of:

a) 30mm

B) 45mm

c) 50mm

d) 65mm

Q27. Heat is transferred in one of three ways:

a) Convection, conduction, radiation

B) Radiators, pipes, boilers

c) Water, air, steam

d) Reaction, radiation, reflection

Q28. The minimum bending radii of MI cable is:

a) 3(2)

B) 4(3)

c) 6(3)

d) 8

Q29. When marking out trunking for cutting, an electrician would use:

a) Pencil, tape, spirit level

B) Steel rule, square, scriber

c) Hacksaw, file, centre punch

d) Plumb line, square, spirit level

Q30. An item of equipment has a rating of IPX6, what does the 6 refere to:

a) Protection against solid object penetration

B) Protection against sun light penetration

c) Protection against gas penetration

d) Protection against water penetration

2330 level 2 answers to the 205 test questions above !

1. d

2. a

3. c

4. a

5. c

6. b

7. a

8. b

9. a

10. d

11. a

12. b

13. d

14. c

15. b

16. a

17. c

18. b

19. b

20. d

21. a

22. c

23. b

24. a

25. d

26. c

27. a

28. c

29. b

30. d

1. What are the BS Code of practice for Earthing and Lightning ?

a. BS7430 & BS6651

b. BS7671 & BS743

c. BS7671 & BS5839

d. BS5839 & BS7671

2. A scale drawing of a building is drawn 500mm X 300 mm. The actual size of the building is 25m x 15m. What scale is used ?

a. 1:100

b. 1:50

c. 50:1

d. 100:1

3. Responsible contracting electrician receives materials on site and signs for them and then

a. discards delivery

b. keeps delivery records for reference

c. sends delivery records to the architects office

d. leave all delivery records with the supplier

4. What cable is used to connect lots of computers in a LAN that is suitable for high rates of data transmission ?

a. Mineral Insulation

b. Thermosetting insulated

c. Fibre Optic

d. Armoured cable

5. On a switch start fluorescent circuit the function of the choke when the lamp is alight is to

a. Limit the current flowing in the lamp

b. Produce a voltage surge across the lamp

c. Cause current for circuit to lead voltage

d. Choke interference generated by the lamp

6. Why is the Choke for a fluorescent lamp laminated ?

a. So it will be lightweight

b. To make it easy to connect the windings

c. To reduce effects of Eddy Current

d. To make it easier to clean

7. A circuit that feeds a heater is called a

a. Power Circuit

b. Environment Circuit

c. Heating Circuit

d. General Circuit

8. In a Factory very large and heavy SWA cables are run high over the workshop using

a. cable basket

b. cable ties

c. cable ladder

d. cable cleats

9. Cleats are used to support which type of cable ?

a. SWA cable

b. Twin and Earth cable

c. Group of Mineral Insulated Cable

d. Fibre Optic cable

Greetings Bobby

Have you done this exam yet???

did you use electrical exams revision material??

Ive got mine on the 24th

all the best


Got mine this monday mate, I have been using the online electrical exam software yes and my tutor has even started giving off handouts from the same company with the same questions, although I havn't been revising as much as I would of liked to I am confident I'll pass ; \ best of luck on your exam will let you know how I got on monday and what questions you can expect.

Well glad that's out the way got a credit :) The questions where what I was expecting 80% site stuff 20% regs :p alot of people did fail though so be careful.

well done bobby Applaud Smiley, got 301 next week wish me luck i need it!Pray

well done Bobby.

Get a few pints down yer skinny neck after that ... :D

was there much stuff to do with the EAW 1989?

or was the focus more on the BS 7671?

or both

what you got next??

All the best P

The 205 exam is pretty much all about fixing methods and tools its probably the easiest of all the 2330 level 2 gola exams. 202 and 203 are the hardest of them all.

i did my level 2 and got distinctions but you only get out what you put in so its up to you to decide if a pass is really ok.Personally if i were you...study study study revise revise revise..all the exams are not as bad as people think.Just make sure you have a decent calculator with a good battery for your theory exams and for the practical i advise you get a good nights sleep beforehand bcoz u will need it.


I have my unit level 2 unit 203 next week... Can anyone give me any mock exams for it? Other then swindon massive..
