2391-20 project 6 months later!

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'funny' man™
Supporting Member
Aug 22, 2009
Reaction score
Anglesey North Wales
Cant believe this. I sent my assignment in nearly six months ago. I expected to get some feedback within a few weeks perhaps. Just had it back now full of errors.

One problem is my method of working out cable sizes in a ring final circuit. can someone please explain this to me a bit better and show the workings and formulae? would be most grateful. Most will be easy enough I have mad some basic errors in calcs which I can work through and send off again.

Another question was the purpose in putting together a package of manufacturers information, instructions, diagrams, drawings etc to hand over to new owner. Whats the 'textbook' answer for this?

All replies as always are welcomed!

The Rev

Cant believe this. I sent my assignment in nearly six months ago. I expected to get some feedback within a few weeks perhaps. Just had it back now full of errors.One problem is my method of working out cable sizes in a ring final circuit. can someone please explain this to me a bit better and show the workings and formulae? would be most grateful. Most will be easy enough I have mad some basic errors in calcs which I can work through and send off again.

Another question was the purpose in putting together a package of manufacturers information, instructions, diagrams, drawings etc to hand over to new owner. Whats the 'textbook' answer for this?

All replies as always are welcomed!

The Rev
When I did it some years back I complied a table for every circuit stating the total load current then wrote down every formula required for VD, cable size required using correction factors etc.

Then compilied other tables with all the info for each circuit.

That way I did not have reams of paper with all the calcs for each circuit

Whilst this is a course giving you a qualification it is to show what is required when you are in the real world designing an installation and so the purpose of giving all the manufacturers information, instructions etc is that you are the designer of the installation this info is required to be handed over to the client in a O & M manual upon completion on the contract.

I am annoyed that its taken nearly 6 months for the tutor to look at the project and give me feedback. The course cost nearly a grand plus all the travel and hotels etc. Dont use Connaughts I know I wont again.

You have shocked me there, James. :eek:

I know that you worked hard on the 2391-20. :|

Sorry to hear about your trouble. I've recently completed the written examination but still working on the project. I can assure you that I certainly won't want to see it again six months after completion!

As for cable sizing for ring final circuits I have divided the mV/A/m value by four (double the csa and half the length) when working out voltage drop.

As for textbook answer RE: O&M manual I'm still working on that one.

latest twist in the tale. Amended the assignment and sent it off 1st class recorded. a month later and the track and trace said it wasnt delivered. Had a bit of a panic but emailed my tutor who said he had it. I can't believe its still not over when I started the course a year ago! I heard that Cobbaughts were in administration, maybe thats why things are slow?

latest twist in the tale. Amended the assignment and sent it off 1st class recorded. a month later and the track and trace said it wasnt delivered. Had a bit of a panic but emailed my tutor who said he had it. I can't believe its still not over when I started the course a year ago! I heard that Cobbaughts were in administration, maybe thats why things are slow?
Thought you would have been preaching hell and damnation to the people of Blackpool by now.

Thought you would have been preaching hell and damnation to the people of Blackpool by now.
will be there start of October. there is a bit more to it than hell and damnation. I intend to keep my hand in as it were so if anyone in the area needs assistance I would be interested in doing a bit now and then.

I cant believe it. Sent 2391-20 project in at end of feb as requested. Hear nothing despite several requests. Then end of august assignment arrives on my doorstep with some comments. I do the required alterations and send it back. Time goes by and I ask about the project and get no answers. Now 2 months later I am told theres 'something else' I need to do to it. I'm sorry but 9 months seems an awful long time to mark an assignment properly. Never use Connaughts. When I get it back finally I will be submitting a complaint.

Well 13 months after submitting the assignment 18 months after doing the course - Today, after much complaining and asking whats going on, I am told I have passed and a cert is on its way. Can you believe it, Connaughts are now owned by British Gas!

It was all worth it in the end; Rev, Congratulations. :Applaud :Salute

Thanks - strange how things work out. I did the 2391-10/20, 2393, 2382, as well as some project management when the announcement was made that the smelter was closing. The Welsh Assembly Government awarded every employee a total of

Well what can I say, started the course in sept 2009, shortly after the 2391-10, did the exam in the dec of that year and got the project in time in feb 2010. Just had the cert this morning..... good job I wasnt in a hurry.

Should come in very handy I'm sure........ :C

only that wasnt the cert! just to bring a finla note to this epic tale. The cert was just for the project. After a few more moaning phone calls and threats to tell the Welsh Assembly (they paid for the courses) about their massive failures they sorted the problem out. The main issue was the 2391-10 practical assessement which I did previously on the 2391 course. This was a required unit and somehow they didnt think I had done the practical and therefore final cert was not issued. Anyway another cert to file away with all the others.....

Connaughts (who I did the training with) are now British gas Training would you believe
