I put the 3 special locations in a house as bathroom, solar voltaic and under floor heating. Not sure if would ave got the marks for sauna and swimming pool.
Struggled the most with the checks on the the car park lighting. What did anyone put for that?
Also struggled with why there were 6 marks awarded for what docs should accompany the inspect and tes for new premises. I just got it as PIR, schedule inspections and test results. Was this a trick or did I miss 3 more? (also does anyone know if we will. E marked down for using PIR and not the new for from the new regs EIRC or something??)
The insulation resistance test on a ring final circuit is jus the same as any other IR test right?
Main one that is driving me crazy tho is Q8. State one point eclectically connected to the MET by each of the following
B) main protective bonding conductor
C)earthing conductor
I Just don't know the answers to these. Anyone help me out??????