2391 exam question

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Senior Member
Mar 23, 2011
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A) list two items of imformation relating to the supply which can only be obtained from the distribution network operator

B) state the statutory document which relates specifically to the DNO's distribution network

The word ONLY in QA is the bit that's getting me.

For QB is that EAWR


trying to remember back when I did 2391....

what angle they were after...

Thinking of Supply characteristics on a PIR..

consider the model forms..

page 338 Big red..

there is the Supply protective device 'rating'


Supply protective device 'type'

that you need to fill in..

But you are obviously not legally allowed to open the suppliers cut-out fuse!?

so need to ASK...

Unless they are looking at the

the nature of supply parameters..

where Nominal voltage & frequency both have a (1) 'by enquiry' bullet point...

as with your meter you can only read the present actual voltage... not the nominal voltage???

see what others think????


Appendix 2 lists statutory regs & documents..

if you look at bullet point (i) DNO's installations come under ESQCR 2002


Hi ya Moggy, answer B could well be ESQCR 2002,

electricity safety, quality and continuity regulations 2002


A) Regulation 28 require the DNO to provide following:

- Max prospective short-circuit current at the supply terminals

- Ze

- Rating of protective device

- Type of earthing

- Number of phases,frequency,voltage ELEC GUIDE BUILDING REG PG 12

B) ESQCR 2002, Statutory instrument 2665

A) Regulation 28 require the DNO to provide following:- Max prospective short-circuit current at the supply terminals

- Ze

- Rating of protective device

- Type of earthing

- Number of phases,frequency,voltage ELEC GUIDE BUILDING REG PG 12

B) ESQCR 2002, Statutory instrument 2665
But the question says ONLY so wouldn't be Ze as you can measure that or type of earthing cause you'll see that

Thanks canoeboy, just looked at the 6 items in 313.1 but surely if it can only be obtained from DNO then answer won't be all of those as some you'll know or be able to measure.

I mean I won't have to ask the DNO about 313.1 (vi) the external impedance Ze, I can measure that

Thanks everyone, it was the word ONLY that got me, bloody hate C&G!
