2391 Test Rig - Lighting wired in singles or twin & earth ?

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Junior Member
Feb 17, 2009
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Hi Guys,

I am currently studying at night school for my 2391 and as I haven't done a great deal of testing to date,

I've decided to build a full test rig as close as possible to what I'll be testing in the practical exam.

I built one years ago for my AM2 and found it very useful for practising.

My question is, does anyone know how the '1way', '2way' and 'dimmer' lighting circuits are wired?

Are they done in twin & earth or singles ?

Thanks in advance

Domestically they are in twin & earth 2 core/3 core

commercial/industrial most likely singles

i may be wrong but i think lighting singles are all 1.5mm

domestic will be 1.5 with cpc at 1mm

Thanks Theoryspark,

but what I want to know is if the 'actual' 2391 test rig lighting is in t&e or singles

because I've been told by one person it's T&E and someone else it's singles ??

It's just the testing is slightly different.

Why do you think the testing is slightly different ???? results might be

I expect it depends on who built the rig, I think they have a set way to build them, but vary a little. One I did my 2391 on was wired in singles.

AFAIK there are allowable differences in the 2391 test rig layout, the one at the college I did my 2391 on, the one at the college I did my 2400 at & the one I teach on are all slightly different.

Thanks for replies,

Theoryspark - As I understand the testing is only different with the 2 way and the strappers being that instead of 4 tests ( 2 at end switch & 2 at ceiling rose because of changing the switch positions ) with the t&E, the singles is only 2 tests.

Just wanted to make it as close as possible so that with enough practice the practical may be passible !

Kerching - That's something I didn't think of, perhaps I'll do two x two ways. My test rig is getting bigger !

Thanks all

Test rig, IIRC, was wired in singles within conduit and included 3 phase motor isolation.

Inspection rig was in T&E

When I did my exam last year 2391-10 the lighting was in 1.5mm singles.

I think the idea behind the exam is to prove you can test, rather than try to predict the test rig spend your time makeing sure you know the basic tests, they will work on any rig :)

Hey runner,

Any before, during and after pics of your 2391 test rig?

Thanks guy, there are always people on this site willing to help. Which is why it's a great site.

Admin - When I've got some bits together and start building I'll do some pic's and post them.

Thanks again.

P.s Admin can you let me have a password for the 'Tips & tricks of trade section' please. I'll swap you for the rig photo's !

Brain 157 is correct, however the new 2395 is out so why are you doing the 2391?

I know everyone knows the 2391 but in time to come it will all be

Hi Sparkyjohnny, the reason I enrolled on the 2391 course was that last year when they said they were changing the course, they said they would be bringing out 3 easier courses which combined would equal the 2391.

This meant x3 written exams and x3 practical exams and obviously lots more money ! By doing the 2391 I would have 1 practical & 1 written exam and then be able to sign anything off. Test rig is almost build :)

2395 is "out" but the assessment guide for centres is still only a draft. Many centres are still running the 2391, which is still current.
