nice...... looks like you have that dialled in pretty well
It's not bad. In the cold light of day this morning,
We printed a 4 piece Makita battery to Ferrex tool, downloaded off of I think Tinkercad previously. It was OK but had a push button mechanism and needed a spring to release it from the Ferrex tool. It was also in two main pieces that needed gluing/screwing together. This then is my redesign from scratch all measured up with the Vernier. 1 main piece, slimline and the catch to hold it on the Ferrex tool is just a drop in piece that gets held in by a combination of friction and the Makita battery being fitted. Always a chance of course it could drop out and get lost. Tbh a loose fit catch with a bit of duct tape over it would serve fine. I have no Ferrex batteries so it never really needs to come off.
The bug with this one is still the ragged ends where it fits to the Ferrex tool. These were supported ends and after removing the supports:
Yes this will be hidden but it's an annoying pita that lets down an otherwise fairly good print.
As I say it gets hidden. Shown here on a 20V Ferrex grinder bought from Aldi's bargain bin. Pity the bloody thing was duff!
Onto the 10mm2 copper batter tabs today. To get + & - swapped over I've put in channels for the busbars. Might make them a bit wider/deeper so I can put some red/black heat shrink over them. (None of this new fangled blue/brown thank you!

The busbar will poke thru the other side, turn through 90o, then get formed to make "sprung" battery connectors to engage with the blades in the base of the Ferrex tool. Where it turns through 90o I might make a soldered (rivetted?) joint to save cutting a complicated and potentially awkward L shape from the sheet. I even considered 10mm2 cable instead of a busbar arrangement. I wonder if I could just solder the joint in the picture below?
Got a couple of sheets of 1mm thick copper here. I could do with some proper (expensive) jewellers scissors as my aviation snips are a bit too aggressive. Tempted to try this picture frame "cropper". Mega expensive cast blades on it. I was using it to cut perfect mitres on pvc tile trim. Can't remember if my chippy mate gave or lent it to me!

I rang him last night to ask but forgot why I'd rung him and got sidetracked...