A Glimpse Of The Future?

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Feb 10, 2010
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Where the wild things are
This morning we took the wee man out to the local Russian gangster owned soft play place.

Afterwards We decided to go for some food at a local restaurant.

On the table next to use there was a large group of TV types and on another table were their 6 kids, they were all between 5 and 12 years old, all had latest Iphones and were all playing Minecraft. Not talking or playing with each other just playing Minecraft.

Great for the parents I guess but it was sad to watch and makes me think where we might be in 20 years time.?

Your thoughts please.


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My 16yr old used to have his mates round. They would all sit like the nerds from the Big Bamg Theory on their own laptops with headphones on playing COD or whatever and talking to each other via Skype. Only difference was that we'd feed them!

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes I would never believe it, but SIL sends text message to her daughter in her bedroom upstairs to say dinner is ready.

This morning we took the wee man out to the local Russian gangster owned soft play place.

Afterwards We decided to go for some food at a local restaurant.

On the table next to use there was a large group of TV types and on another table were their 6 kids, they were all between 5 and 12 years old, all had latest Iphones and were all playing Minecraft. Not talking or playing with each other just playing Minecraft.

Great for the parents I guess but it was sad to watch and makes me think where we might be in 20 years time.?

Your thoughts please.

I think that in 20 years time the ability to spell and even write will have been lost. Sentences will be so long that you would require the assistance of breathing equipment to get to the end.

My nephews daughter (15 month) toddles into her nannas and gets the iPad out and sits playing on it. Screams if they take it off her, so they don't.

even the cats are at it

my sisters cat is still in the 90's though

Sometimes my boy Skypes back "What is it?" when called for dinner!

On the subject of cats..........don't know what happened to the original "cat scan" site but you'll get the drift:


Sometimes my boy Skypes back "What is it?" when called for dinner!

On the subject of cats..........don't know what happened to the original "cat scan" site but you'll get the drift:

There's an old joke doing the rounds about someone who was ill. They were discussing it with a friend. While their the cat walked over and gave her a sniff.  A bit later the Labrador come over and licked here.

She later got a bill for a Cat scan and a Lab report.

Okay I know :coat  

Myself and a colleague were in the local greasey spoon one morning and there was a table of what you ugh the refer to as the 'dregs' of society, along with their kids.

One of the kids was about 2, a real sweet looking girl, who was sat watching an iPad.

When the poor thing dared to speak aloud, her mum just yelled at her 'just find another f**cking Peppa Pig to watch will ya'!

I was stunned and had to do all I could to keep my mouth shut. Sad thing is that the young lass will most likely end up just like her scrot of a mum

^^^^^^^^^+1 to that

Electronic media seems to be the new 'child minder/baby sitter

We went out for a meal to a semi posh restaurant ( you know the type, menu in words not pictures, glass in most of the windows, carpet on most of the floor, no baloons or coluring books )

Adjacent table had 4 kids all on ipads with sound turned up...ping zing twing ping-ping zwish twong. After our first course i was on meltdown....asked waiter if we could be moved or THEY could be shot. No can do, so I said "fair enough...no can pay the bill" and walked out. This was about 9 at night and all the kids were under about 6 years old

Bring back the halcyon days of kids running around screaming and tripping waiters up along with indoor play areas next to where you are eating.....NOT!

Just being more tolerant in 2015

Witnessed in my kitchen on NYE:

12 year old: "I haven't got my DS charger!"

Mother of said 12 year old: "I told you to bring everything you needed for a night away."

12yo: "I want you to take me home. NOW!!!"

Proceeded to throw a tantrum (apparently, "just" having his ipad wasn't good enough) and then refused to go to bed until 3am...

There were a couple of cases at my wholesalers where Sparks had taken on an apprentice & /or trainee  and the final result  was the same  in all cases.......................................  the constant I Plod / cell phone  use proved too much for their respective employers .  

I think there was also a  Forumite  who had threatened to flatten the offending phone if the kid produced it again ....think he too got rid of apprentii.         

When we did the Christmas shopping at supermarket , a slow process, as often happens there was a young lady doing the same rounds as us , just in front , constantly texting as she shopped,  same at the checkout ,  then as we left for the car , stood in the carpark, still texting . 

What the hell do they find to say ?    :C

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As a kit I was quite happy:

- Playing "WARS". Guns and swords made from whatever wood and metal etc we could scrounge.

- Building "camps" from REAL sticks and branches and covered in REAL vegetation and leaves. We would "borrow" AXES & SAWS. Bugs included.


- Boiling water in old tins and cooking on SHARPENED sticks (sausages, toast, marshmallows etc). Never ill that I can remember.

- Setting fire to the thick, old Co-op bags and watching them drip MOLTEN flaming plastic. We called it "zibs" 'cos of the noise it made.

- Catching frogs and SNAKES. Nobody ever got bitten.

- Swimming in the river and catching fish, crayfish.

- Playing in old quarries.

- Wandering around with air weapons. Nobody ever got shot (darts don't count).

- Building karts with the axles secured by U staples & nails - they often came apart!

- Scavenging old TV's and "radiograms" and soldering with an old iron heated by a blow lamp. Never got (badly) burnt.

- etc

All whilst sucking on a SPANGLE, BLACKJACK or SHERBET DIP!

I'm still here as are all my old mates. At least now there's probably an APP for all the above!  :lol:

Oh Onoff, you're making me all nostalgic now. I grew up on a farm and one of the best toys we had was an inner tube from an old tractor tyre. It was great for bouncing on (this was before everyone had trampolines) and also to sit inside and see how far we could roll down a slope before we fell out. As I recall, not very far! :)

I also remember being desperate for a "normal" pet. Over the years we had cats, dogs, cows, sheep, pigs, rabbits, ducks and chickens but in my mind that was nowhere near as cool as a guinea pig! :slap

and hence onoff / miss s, there has never been a better time to learn a hands-on trade - the next generation won't know which end of screwdriver to hold, let alone how to use it!

I had a guinea pig  - called it ter pig cos i was too young to say guinea. went off it after it bit my finger (no doubt deserved).

I do feel that creativity is at risk - there's nothing like complete boredom to push kids into being inventive :innocent :innocent :^O


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