A-Levels or not? work experience help and degree help

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Junior Member
Apr 22, 2011
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hi :)

i am 17 and i am a student and i have completed my 2330, 2382, 2393 and 2377. i am currently completing my work experience which should last about 1 year.

I want to specialize in power distribution and transmission or design and i aim to start uni to get my bachelors in electrical engineering at 18-20 but most of the unis i have looked at require me to have at least 3 A-Levels including maths.

my employer has said i am not under contract and i can have any time i want off and he will just add more time on to the end so i get my full work experience.

i was wondering if i should ask to work only part time or weekends and college holidays so that i can get my A-Levels and still work or should i just give up and not get the A-Levels or go to uni and just keep working.

And by the way i am not considering giving up being an electrician as i want to use the qualifications to help fund my university fees and to one day have my own business.

thanks in advance for any help :)

What do Pompey Uni ask for ?And have you actually been there and spoke to them in person ?
i didnt want to study in pompey as i would be living and working when im not doing my uni work and i wouldnt like to move too far, but thanks anyway

and yes i spoken to a few universities and they have said that they do not accept vocational qualifications for their engineering department :)

They should be able to take into account your other qualifications, but I would still recommend A level Maths and maybe Physics as a minimum. Without A level Maths before starting the degree would put you at a severe disadvantage.


you will need A level maths and preferably physics to get your head around the degree syllabus, trust me, I've been there!

I also tried to help a student who did not have this when he got onto his course failed his first year and had to resit, got a professional maths tutor paid for by his parents who had to drop out half way through as he did not understand the maths!

Undergraduate level electrical and electronic engineering is 3rd in the list for complicated maths after maths & physics!

You could go down the HNC / HND route then jump into the second year of a degree, this can all be completed day release, your current qualification would be enough to get you on these courses but you will still need to be of a good A level maths standard.

thats the route i nearly took three years ago and now too busy to take! I will get round to it but not this year will aim for next september.

Ive heard about that route for HNC / HND but seen mixed reviews. How did you find it?

Fine mate and I REALLY struggled with maths at school.

Mind I did 2 years 120 points of maths credit at the OU before starting engineering!

You finished your 2330 Levels 2 and 3 in one year Kerry?AndyGuinness
yes i have finished the theory and i am now doing the work expericence :)
