Adding A Shock Sensor

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Dec 10, 2013
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We have a wired alarm system. I am wanting to add a shock sensor to one of the downstairs window frames. The room in question is on it's own zone and currently only has a single PIR.

Do I need to run a new cable all the way from the control unit or can I connect additional cable from the PIR in the room to the shock sensor? The cable to the PIR is six core.

you can wire it from the PIR but should be on its own zone. If the room is on PIR then i dont see the point in putting one of these in??? they can be a nuisance if its and old window that rattles around. I hate them and when we fir alarms we never use them. Just my preference. 

I have to agree with "thewiz"

The reason is that if (when) your shock sensor false alarms you will not know if it is the shock sensor or is it the PIR, which is why the PIR should be on its own cable and on its own zone, but there is more.........

As it will be on the perimeter, if an object (stone for example) is dropped by a bird and it hits the window, setting off the alarm, even if the sensor is on its own circuit you will never know the actual cause of the activation.

The bird and stone are just examples, it could be a variety of other things.

Vipers are fine as long as there are adjusted properly & fitted in the correct position for the specific window + if the cable to the pir is an 8 core you should have 2 spare cores for the viper & put it on a seperate zone bsck at the panel end.
