Advice needed re this earthing arrangment

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Dunno what happened there! posted same pic twice ah well, it should have been this F size tool

2011-03-20152941.jpg that how much a Joi Stripper is FFS!!

When that came out I thought it was the 'dog's back wheels', I could never get on with the 'orrible hammerite blue BICC Pyro stripping tool though. Still strip it with a pair of snips.

Remember that stripping tool like a huge Spam key???.....waste of time as well

Crimper that you tightened with 2 screws...waste of time. In desperation I used to be able to crimp the pot and seal with 2 pairs of 'dogs' or 'footprints' now THAT dates me... :coat

Remember that stripping tool like a huge Spam key???.....waste of time as well
Have used a Big Spam Key.... :Salute

or was it a Sardine Tin.....

or Corned Beef key?

Or maybe all three of them put together...

I dunno but I used one in my younger days!

