Thanks Binky,
Fortunately, a scaffolding is not required. It is not the main roof of the house. A simple ladder will do (This said, they may bring a scaffolding for the installation but that is a one off and won t be required for maintenance)
I am not considering to charge EV from the PV, That is one less concern as part of the design
Can you please, if you have time of course, elaborate why this may not be the best idea?
I have the 9 panels will be facing different orientation (3 facing South (on a garage roof), 2 facing South-West (flat roof) and 4 West (on a wall).
They will be subject to shading through out the day. For instance the 3 facing South will not get the sun at the same time as the house main wall create shades on that garage roof. From about 10am, the garage roof start to get some sun and about 11h30 the 3 are exposed to the sun). In addition, there is a tree that creates shade from about 5pm (this is June time, obviously in winter this is a bit different)
In addition, in order to cover most of the surface available, I need to combine different panel size. If I were to take the same size for all panels I get about 3.8kW, if I were to mix, I reach 4.7kW. This is 23% improvement.
In order to mix panels, I need to ensure compatibility. One of the criteria is the current mismatch. There is also a voltage mismatch calculation if I were to use more than one string. However, I intend to have the 9 panels on one string (the min and max string voltage needs to be calculated of course).
Regarding the delivery, I see what you are saying, what's the point to get one particular panel if it only comes in bulk. This is a one of struggles while the panel will be in situ for 20 years. This said, this is a point I will consider once I have narrowed down a couple of possible considerations. I will start with the best one and if I cannot source the panel in an appropriate way, I will move to the second best and so.
Here are some background info. I am very keen to be challenged and proven wrong. Therefore, I would really like to understand why you are saying it may not be the best idea to mix and match panel sizes. What would be the best idea from your point of view and for what reasons?
Thank you