for someone whos not sure what you guys mean what it meaning blued
can happen in a few ways Badger,
usual problems are tyres getting overheated,
tyres exposed to extremes of temerature,
tyres being heated up (or down) too quickly,
exposure to UV,
too much pressure in the tyre, causing it too expand too rapidly and heating up the patch too soon before the sides.
or too little, causing it to move around too much(heating up too quickly and working the sidewall causing it to heat too fast),
by far the biggest cause is poor storage, and in the case of race tyres tyre warmers used badly and at the wrong temperatures.
its not WSB Cirrus, but its still your ass hitting the road, Im not saying there is anything wrong with them, and lots of people buy ex-race tyres, frick, we sell ours,
Ive ran 2nd hand tyres on my bikes most of my life, but I knew the tyres, I spannered the bikes they came off,
I would not buy use 2nd hand tyres if I didnt personally know their history.
do you go to these part worn tyre dealers when your van needs some new rubber? think about that very carefully,
people dont put new tyres on for fun, cars/vans or bikes, they do it because they need to.
your equation about WSB hits closer now, those guys need the last 100th, if your source is club racing he is on a budget, putting tyres on when he HAS to, not when he drops a 100th a lap.