Groan more car trouble. Sold the Jaguar (decided I didnt like the idea of worrying every time I parked it or worrying about how many miles I was putting on it) Anyway sold and put a few K back in the bank and got me a nice 53 plate rover 45 1.6IXS with nice leather interior, good spec and only 1 owner from new with 44K and FSH.When I went to get it (Blackpool) I checked for smoky exhaust, oil in water etc and it all looked good. Now its using water - about 1 pint/week. and there is a bit of oily residue in the header tank - not holding pressure either. Oil cap looks OK.
I thought it was only the 1.4 and 1.8 K series that were prone to head gasket failure. I phoned the garage and they said to bring it in so they could 'have a look'. I guess all they'll do is bung some k seal in and send me on my way.....