Any Dno Guys On Here?

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SPD's are available for installation at the origin of the system.

They are not all throw away after a single incident, but they all have a finite life.

Oh, and YES the supply should stay within the specified parameters, and if not the DNO must be held to task in FULL.
i dont suppose you have a link for these devices do you?


Just go to any of the DB manufacturers and you can get retrofittable SPD's for almost all current boards now, to comply with the requirements of the 17th.

However, they are not the be all and end all, as there could be a further requirement as you move away from the origin for additional SPD's depending upon the design of the installation and the equipment you are trying to protect.

If I change the DB at home, I will go for RCBO's & an inbuilt SPD.

If you are going to install in the board then remember that you have to comply with manufacturers requirements! ;)

Alongside in a separate enclosure is a completely different kettle of fish obviously.
