any paticular pages i should bookmark?

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Junior Member
Jan 16, 2010
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Hi everyone

i will be taking the 2330-302 soon

is there any pages in paticular that i should bookmark in the on site guide and the 17th edition regs book?


Hello and welcome

When you say 'bookmark' how do you mean? For reference and revision or for the exam itself?

AFAIK the book you take into the exam should be 'as new' and have no writing, sticky notes on/in it.

hi thanks for the welcome,

by bookmarking i mean using a small piece of post-it note to bookmark pages, if i stick it to the side of the page i would like to reference, you can easily go to that section if you need it for a question, it saves time using the index, and you can easily see the bookmarks when the book is closed.

e.g i have already bookmarked page 43 "protection against electric shock" so i can go there to quickly see the disconnection times if a question appears on it

the post-it's will be blank of course ;)

You would have to ask then in the centre where you are taking your exam, but I doubt it would be allowed. Could be seen as an unfair advantage.

Ask them!

My suggestion is to use the book as often as possible and then you will become so familiar with it you won't need bookmarks! Look things up, as often as possible.

Do you see what I mean?

Tutor informed me yesterday that writing in the book is not allowed, but you're free to highlight whatever you want. I don't know if the same would apply to post-its, might be worth asking your tutor.

Welcome to the forum ada,

Learners on the 302 & 303 Written exams are watched like hawks. The indepenant internal & External verifiers are very strict.

Personally - I wouldn't do it. (mark the book).

Could be seen as an unfair advantage.
id argue against this - just because peson has taken time to make things easier to find is not 'an unfair advantage' - its a bit like says A has an unfair advantage over B, because A has revised and B has not
