Anyone Know About Old Vehicle Dynamo Wiring?

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Nov 28, 2009
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I'll post the details later, but my BIL has a problem with the dynamo on his WW2 Jeep.

Before I can help him, I need to know how the old mechanical regulators work.

It's a "type b" configuration, with both field and armature internally grounded.

right the question is this.

the windings (field and armature) both appear okay, a few ohms resistance.

When in the vehicle, he measures 0V on the field terminal.

that's the bit that sounds wrong to me.  Surely the field winding should be energised (in this case) with 6V dc via the regulator?

My understanding of these mechanical regulators it patchy but I thought the regulator exited the field winding and adjusted the field voltage to regulate the output.

So am I correct in saying 0V on the field winding means the fault is the regulator rather than the dynamo?
