B & B Notes

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Senior Member
Mar 23, 2009
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Just wondering if everyone studying the 2330 L2 & L3 use the B & B notes and power point presentations. Do people doing fast track courses use different notes?

Just curious.


Are you still doing your 2330? Or have you done them, Mate?

We used the b&b notes and we where also on kinda fast track course.

Basically they give use all the notes , we did they stuff that would be mainly covered in the exam in the class room and the rest we had to read in our own time

How you finding your course?

Love it, I'm doing college 3 nights a week. The only downside, I would like to do more practical. They've told us for the 301 from 1500 pages of B & B notes there will be a random 40 questions so a lot of revision needed me thinks.

Yes Tim. I did them use B & B Mate. Over Two Years. Although the courses now are over 3 Years.

I had to do a lot of Printing off, reading and filling them in, in my own time too. :_|

Whats B & B notes? Im doing a fasttrack course and never heard of them. Doing Level 3 atm but they write their own notes up (copied directly from Trevor Lindsay/Heinmann (& B&B most prob) and changed to avoid copywriting) funny thing is they also copied the few mistakes in Heinmann book which make it obvious lol.

PMSL M4tty.

B&B Associates paperwork are fully of errors too. But we did have their Beta ones. Saying that we had their Beta ones right through the 16th Edition too. :^O

hi gents,

am also doing 2330 L3 (2 nights a week a college) at present - just got given the entire B&B Associates learning pack by our tutor. LOT of material (1 fully loaded archfile [double sided a4]!) gulp...

best wishes & good luck


I have to use the B&B notes at college where i work

I dont like them at all:O we do them in class then i have explain what they are TRYING to sayheadbang Is there any others that people use, that have a good natural flow? i may mention it at the next departmental meetingPray


i wish it were that simple....

colleges all over the country purchase this stuff under license and it is not good.....the people who wrote it are coining it in:p

We bought the licence for B&B at our college several years ago assuming they were as good as the demo. Some of the graphics are good but we never continued with them. The powerpoints left a lot to be desired, for example with one there were only seven slides, 1- title, 2-description, 3-aims, 4 -recap, 5-intro, 6- main content, 7, recap content.. Waste of time.

We tend to base our lessons around a 'college model' which includes, title, aims, objectives, links to previous learning/recap, main content, regular verification of learning, recap content, links to syllabus, further reading, whats next.

Lessons are produced drawing mainly on the JTL books, Lindsay, internet and any other valid sources such as BS7671, HSE etc; Students received partly completed handouts of the slides in lessons which in turn are also available to students via 'MOODLE'.

We also no longer subscribe to SMARTSCREEN after they seemed to ignore feedback about the exam papers being nothing like the real thing. Whereas the BYCON papers seem to be on the mark for students.

Apparently - The ones that put the B&B Associate papers / notes together are English teachers.

I wouldn't have thought so, looking at their notes - Beta version or not.
