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Junior Member
Jan 6, 2009
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I've been invited to a 'test day' is this standard procedure for all applicatants or do I just need to do well on this and I'm in?

Also, I've heared BAE apprenticeship isn't the best (from members here) - why's that exactly? I know I've got no right to be picky in the current economic condition but I'd just like to know what I'm getting myself into.

Cheers :)

Hi Dalit,

BAE systems is a damn big organisation - so there will be good or bad depending on where you are - and how lucky you are with your placements. If the factory has a variety of busy sections associated with your trade and the apprentice training is managed well I don't think you have much to worry about. Find out more about your local BAE from employees and ask their opinion - any opinions given here on a national scale will be meaningless - and probably out of date.

Competition for any apprenticeship is fierce. My daughter did her apprenticeship at Princess Yachts 10 years ago and there were hundreds of applications for around 20 places in all trades. They had a selection process then which included a test day - so I suspect you will need to give it your best shot! Don't take anything for granted until you are signed up!

Dave (ex BAE Engineer in Plymouth - took redundancy 4 years ago --> Factory now sold off!)


I did my apprentiship about 15 years ago at Ford in the factory in Dagenham and they did a test day before hand. It wasn't too bad and tests your abilities rather than your knowledge from what I remember - think they are aptitude tests you should be able to find some on the internet. You may have to do an interview after that and will almost certainly have to do a medical. After my testing we went along to an evening thing with our parents (I was only 16) and they showed us round the place and showed us what we would be learning and the instructors chatted to us as we went round - think that was there version of an interview as didn't do a formal one.

Thanks for the advise guys, My test is for BAE Glasgow. What does the medical consist of? Surely it doesn't matter how healthy you are to become a electrician..

Thanks for the advise guys, My test is for BAE Glasgow. What does the medical consist of? Surely it doesn't matter how healthy you are to become a electrician..
Suppose that depends what's wrong with you!

I would assume able bodied, able to climb steps kneel down etc.

If you were stuck in a wheelchair, or had no hands it wouldn't be much use.

Also do you have any problems that may require you to take a large ammount of time off work? Chronic asthma, bad back etc?

I'm only speculating :)

Thanks for the advise guys, My test is for BAE Glasgow. What does the medical consist of? Surely it doesn't matter how healthy you are to become a electrician..
Drugs screen, hearing test, colour vision test, reflexes, height, weight, blodd pressure etc.

Does anyone know if the recent increase in work at BAE Systems in Govan/Scotstoun will increase the chance of getting accepted at BAE as an apprentice?

I heard in the papers that they have recieved more work from down south because they cannot handle the amount so the work on the Clyde is now up 50%.

It mentioned that jobs are now safe for the next 6 years and also mentioned something about it would be good for the apprenticeship program.

Does this mean they will be recruiting more apprentices now? or is it just good for apprentices from now on as they have more work?

Could anyone shed some light on this subject..

Thanks in advance

Does anyone know of any online aptitude tests that are similar/same style as the one BAE systems gives you?

Not sure if it will increase your chances, but Govan/Scotsoun have been building Type-45 destroyers for the navy.

The work coming from down south is due to BAE at barrow being overloaded with work building Astute attack Submarines and after that building the Trident replacement Subs.

The work was going to be done at Barrow has now been moved to Glasgow, the work will be building some of the blocks for the two new 65,000 tonne Aircraft carriers due in service later next decade.

All I know is that it is "securing" jobs for a good number of years. It didn't mention anything about increasing jobs but I was assuming it would help my chances of gaining an apprenticeship with them.

After the first increase of work earlier in the week it mentioned it would be good for the apprenticeship program as I have says.

I was thinking it would be good because they would take on more apprentices but maybe not, maybe it's only good for apprentices already at BAE as they have this work now.

Just need to keep my finger-crossed.

Thanks Anyway
