So, just when I think I‘ve sussed everything about solar and battery storage, o hit another “ah but…”
Assume battery has charged from solar during the day. Battery starts discharging as the sun goes down. At 8.30pm we start our Octopus Go Faster five hour cheaper electricity period. I realise tomorrow is going to be a sunny day so am happy for the battery to keep discharging during the Go Faster period. But…I want to charge the car at the same time (assume car charger has no solar integration). How can I stop the car charger depleting the battery which will then mean using grid electricity (rather than battery) until solar kicks in? I know most systems allow you to not discharge during certain hours but in this scenario I do want it to discharge but to exclude the car charging,
I think this might be another “got to rethink what you do if you want solar” things.
Assume battery has charged from solar during the day. Battery starts discharging as the sun goes down. At 8.30pm we start our Octopus Go Faster five hour cheaper electricity period. I realise tomorrow is going to be a sunny day so am happy for the battery to keep discharging during the Go Faster period. But…I want to charge the car at the same time (assume car charger has no solar integration). How can I stop the car charger depleting the battery which will then mean using grid electricity (rather than battery) until solar kicks in? I know most systems allow you to not discharge during certain hours but in this scenario I do want it to discharge but to exclude the car charging,
I think this might be another “got to rethink what you do if you want solar” things.