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i worked there too..............
That was pretty obvious some time ago........... now tell us something we did not know already?

Shalom............ummmmmmm sounds like you still believe in those great ideas and decisions that were behind the failure of the company.

BDC used to be a good company with many good people, maybe you were once good but just blind and deaf?

That was pretty obvious some time ago........... now tell us something we did not know already?Shalom............ummmmmmm sounds like you still believe in those great ideas and decisions that were behind the failure of the company.

BDC used to be a good company with many good people, maybe you were once good but just blind and deaf?
i can see you are a tad upset paulad, but was not the tyrant you make out. if anything he was the opposite. he let far too many people influence his judgement and his biggest crime was being too loyal to those who had his ear. He believed in what he was told and sadly in life, belief is a far more powerful motivator than fact. really was too trusting rather that self obsessed. its just easier for us all to view him that way in order to have a figure to blame.

not happy with shalom's assessment, after all only the senior managment were in a position to really change things. and i could show hundreds of staff suggestions posted on the official company system by the team in the Centres which were ignored that actually made good business sense. 90% of the people in the business were blameless with regards to the outcome. and most of those did care about what they were doing.

I sincerely hope nobody on this board is in a position where they are struggling to get a job, and in these very tough times nothing is easy any more. perhaps, Shalom, you should practise what you preach and stop being so judgemental of the people who had no choices.

Re: Banished for ice skating/ coming onto Topic



Originally Posted by bassman


Did that Co used to be lightning Electrical many moons ago and have a place by the fort industrial estate in Birmingham area.

Just that the grey matter is fading these days.

Yes & yes. Let's not clog another thread up with Bridisco. The other one's heading for the Guiness of records. And before anyone says anything I can be held partly responsible!


Back on topic thanks for the info,when I used to deal with the people at Castle brom no problem.To be fair have not used them for 14 years.change of jobs.Wish I could remeber the names of the people,trade counter was a bit slow sometimes especially when having a good natter.

Lots of people on this thread not posting.

there seems to be a reluctance to comment on some of the posts. this is a chat board for opinions. it would be nice to hear them. it may give some closure to a few and more importantly give a reason to others. also, anyone got any info on ex bridisco staff, where they are and how they are doing. nicest guy i met was anyone heard from him. best out of the lot of em.

How can we to blame when nobody listened? The company was run as a dictatorship by one man & only his ideas & opinions mattered. Q. Why do you think Bridisco was never floated on the stock exchange at its peak? A. The company would have to appoint external exec. & non-exec. directors & be accountable to outside regulatory sources.
This is true no body wanted to listen to any body It was a dictatorship. People worked hard in dark not knowing what was happening to the company as they were given wrong information. during the last day the company was shipping out goods worth Pound 150000, tell me how could the company go burst.

This was all well planned to cover up the 9 million loss made by 247 Applaud SmileyApplaud SmileyApplaud SmileyApplaud SmileyApplaud Smiley shame on the I****S who sat on the top..Guiness Drink

1st person to mention 24/7. was this the reason for the losses. thought this little secret was well hidden. 24/7 otherwise known as outkey was quite a prominent online retailer and noone has made a link yet
Check out the forum on Pricerunner. Their customer service levels took some stick.

1st person to mention 24/7. was this the reason for the losses. thought this little secret was well hidden. 24/7 otherwise known as outkey was quite a prominent online retailer and noone has made a link yet
Maybe someone should investigate why BDC were selling products to Outkey/247 at less than what it cost BDC to buy them???

... nicest guy i met was [* unnamed persons *] . anyone heard from him. best rm out of the lot of em.
He was...much better than [* unnamed persons *] who's already bad mouthing his "mates" ([* unnamed persons *] & [* unnamed persons *] ) to the trade!

Hi All

I do appreciate that [* unnamed persons *] was too trusting and let the children play with matches as it were,and the staff just had to get on with it and the majority were just trying to live their lives and do an honest days work.

We all know the [* unnamed persons *] was to blame (buzzword bingo addict) and his cronies.Perhaps [* unnamed persons *] was too busy with his creative accountants?

Who really misses it who has now left?

Such a waste of resources over such a short period of time. lot don't half go on - find yourselves job please

Have to ask Shalom. If it bothers you that much why do YOU keep tuning in, don't YOU have better things to do with your time?

There are a lot of people this has affected, people who worked there a long time and want/need to 'get it off their chests', is that so wrong?

It could be argued that if more people had been allowed to have their say then things might have been a little different!

Just my thoughts that's all. lot don't half go on - find yourselves job please
Nobody forces you to participate in this thread. I only do it because my Doctor says it's good therapy! (JOKE)


You are just a wind up merchant.

You didnt work in Peterborough did you.?Your literary style looks very familiar. lot don't half go on - find yourselves job please
I suspect by the interesting and intelligent level of debate, and in the integrity of the comments made on this thread by the majority, that most of us HAVE got ourselves decent jobs with decent Companies (or working for ourselves).

Shalom, you were obviously part of the managment at Bridisco (no doubt you will deny it - christ I would !). So, Well done on your contribution to that and congratualtions on making such a thought provoking and intellectually observant contribution to this board. :z :z:z:z:z:z

ShalomWhy dont you go off to Facebook and annoy people over there?

You are just a wind up merchant.

You didnt work in Peterborough did you.?Your literary style looks very familiar.
Kate, you are right. in fact a load of posts were deleted off facebook with the same style of writing, i.e lots of ................ & paragraphs and with the same depth of scathing views about people along with insider knowledge of the MBO etc. main suspects were a former rm, an ex call centre person and the like. think someone deleted them.

that most of us HAVE got ourselves decent jobs with decent Companies (or working for ourselves).
Actually , no . I am getting calls daily from Companies asking me to provide references for ex BDC staff , which I am happy to do . The remaining staff in my centre , Manchester , since you ask , did a superb job of emptying the Warehouse and getting the stock back to [* unnamed persons *] . The people doing this included the only 2 sales staff left ,both Ladies whom had only just joined BDC . They were not going to get any redundancy and yet they worked themselves into the ground to finish the job . That is the calibre of staff that we had .

What we didn't know about was all the behind the scenes stuff that is coming out on this forum . An ex RM told me about a year ago that BDC was going under and at the time I laughed at him . If he's reading this - you were right . Most of our staff on the Sales / Warehouse side were grafters who were kept in the dark . In the 3 years that I was there , we never had a Joseph visit , so the only info we got was second hand . I'm not even slightly bitter about this , but I do feel that with a bit more thought we could have given a lot better service .

ShalomWhy dont you go off to Facebook and annoy people over there?

You are just a wind up merchant.

You didnt work in Peterborough did you.?Your literary style looks very familiar.
Or is Shalom sitting in Spain counting his money from not having to pay the staff proper redundancy money??? Or repay the investment money???

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