Bike course

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dont see the point in them for road use if i want to get from a to b

and easy parking take the bike if its ****ing down and i have passenger/s

take the car maybe they could be a bit of fun off road

Can anyone tell me, what requirements do you need to ride one of them quad thingies?
No Brain and a sick sense of humur:^O Saw one last week it even had an ashtray! :eek:

I ask, because if someone was to say have ear trouble & as a result balance problems, but they still wanted to ride a bike. Then this would be a good thing for them no?

Or do they do stabilisers for motorbikes? :)

I ask, because if someone was to say have ear trouble & as a result balance problems, but they still wanted to ride a bike. Then this would be a good thing for them no?Or do they do stabilisers for motorbikes? :)

They are called side-cars! :^O

Hope all went well on your DAS Cirrus, just recently passed mine.

Hit a bollard in the center of the road in April and fractured my ankle, went to the test centre for the theory on crutches in June and passed the DAS test in August.

Thought I'd get it over with before the new type test starts up.

Cheers Nemesis. Passed the test today so spent a couple of hours putting into practice what I'd learned this week and tried converting to my Thundercat. Soooooo different. Can't see ****e outta my mirrors!!! Still, am out all day tomorrow with my mate on his new R6 so many miles to clock up. Feels good!

Cheers Nemesis. Passed the test today so spent a couple of hours putting into practice what I'd learned this week and tried converting to my Thundercat. Soooooo different. Can't see ****e outta my mirrors!!! Still, am out all day tomorrow with my mate on his new R6 so many miles to clock up. Feels good!
Well done Cirrus, Guiness DrinkGuiness Drink

Have fun 2morrow but do be carefull (i hate motorbikes)

You out on the weekend to celebrate?

Thanks - am always careful. promised the kids that seeing as my 9 yr old daughter had her cycling proficiency this week too that I would take everyone out for a meal tomorrow night.

well done mate hope you get as much pleasure out of your bike as i get out of mine

Cheers Nemesis. Passed the test today so spent a couple of hours putting into practice what I'd learned this week and tried converting to my Thundercat. Soooooo different. Can't see ****e outta my mirrors!!! Still, am out all day tomorrow with my mate on his new R6 so many miles to clock up. Feels good!

Applaud SmileyApplaud SmileyApplaud SmileyApplaud SmileyApplaud Smiley

Congrats on passing, hope the weather is good for you tomorrow.

I'm going paintballing, so I hope it's good for me too.

Wont be able to see or reply to any posts for a while because I am supposed to lose my internet connection today :_| and will not get another until mid-late November, but will come back then.

Cheers Guys

Congrats Cirrus, it's a great feeling the first ride after passing your test, nervous as hell but so fulfilling! Be careful on the winter roads, are known to catch you out. Hardly used mine the last few weeks, ltd edition colouirs are a g*t to replace if anything happens!

how many of you lads/lassies use your bike for work callouts

i have a virago 535 got the back box and side panniers

great for getting across london in a hurry

surprising how much i can carry on it

Nope, can fit my lunch for a day out under the seat hump and that's about it!

maybe we start a new thread how many sparks ride bikes?

what bikes they have?

how many born again 40+ bikers
