Bit Of A Random One

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Nov 9, 2015
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Hey guys, today in work i got offered a really good opportunity. An electrician we were working with offered to take me on a job tomorrow with him, and if all goes well he will take me on more jobs to boot. My current boss mainly does domestic and commercial jobs, but basically no industrial,

The electrician I'm working with tomorrow does a mix of all 3, but mainly industrial. Obviously it would be great to get more experience on non-domestic jobs, so its important to impress lol

My boss is happy for me to go on jobs with the other electrician, so there is no drama there lol.

Anyway, the job tomorrow is in a huge garage installing isolators and lifts etc, plus fault finding on a lift already installed that isn't working.

You guys got any advice or heads up on what to expect? What sort or circuit configuration, switchgear, protective devices and fixing methods am i likely to be dealing with?

I would suggest your gonna experience the following possibilities lol Trunking, conduit, swa, rotary isolaters, 3 phase and single phase, rcbos, three phase mcbs.......dunno what else haha

Oh and possibly fixing to steel beams

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My only advice is be keen, helpful, try and anticipate what the sparky will be needing next and have it ready for him, if there is a quiet moment start tidying up. The materials and methods will soon be revealed.

Hope it goes well, let us know.

Kind of the same as usual then but on a bigger scale haha, although 3 phase mcb's will be a new one on me.

My only advice is be keen, helpful, try and anticipate what the sparky will be needing next and have it ready for him, if there is a quiet moment start tidying up. The materials and methods will soon be revealed.
Hope it goes well, let us know.
I can do that, im pretty excited about it tbh. I will :)

My only advice is be keen, helpful, try and anticipate what the sparky will be needing next and have it ready for him, if there is a quiet moment start tidying up. The materials and methods will soon be revealed.

Hope it goes well, let us know.
What he said ^^^^^

Great advice.

Lift fault....

Are all phases there

Neutral if needed

Fuses in tact

Limit switches working

Contactor coil ok....if fitted

Simple things like.......if he drills a hole in a brick there is a good chance he will,need





Anticipate and be ready....Before he asks!

Used to f*** me off more than a politicians promise when every time i drillled a hole i had to ask for plug screw hole plug screw driver...after an hour it becomes tedious

Just saying

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Used to f*** me off more than a politicians promise when every time i drillled a hole i had to ask for plug screw hole plug screw driver...after an hour it becomes tedious
Agree x 10,000, especially when you just get some moron leaning against the steps staring blankly at you every time.

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Moron - we were all there once. God's gift were you at 16?
Pretty much.

And when did anyone say anything about 16 year olds? I have a mate who I have worked with on & off for the last 10 years, he still does it and he is older then me. He is a moron.

And why do I have to be perfect to be able to criticise others? When did that become a rule?

Calling someone a moron is not a criticism.
Not a criticism, it’s an insult.

From the OED

Definition of moron in English:


A stupid person:


Early 20th century (as a medical term denoting an adult with a mental age of about 8–12): from Greekmōron, neuter of mōros 'foolish'.

Definition of moronic in English:


Very foolish or stupid:

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Glad to hear you got this opportunity padawan. You seem like you're switched on and I'm sure you'll do really well.

As everyone else have said, try to be as helpful and useful as possible. And also don't be afraid to ask questions if you're not sure, it's better to ask than to f**k up :)

Make sure that you understand not only how to do things, but know WHY it needs to be done in that way.

Best of luck :)

Calling someone a moron is not a criticism.
Well darn sarf amongst the shandy swillers the term MORON may indeed be classed as a compliment or term of endearment.

Up,here the person that said it would more than likely get tw@ted.

In Wales i believe you would be comparing someone with a carrot....apparently

No offence
