Black / Brown Outs Are You Ready Lol?

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Feb 10, 2010
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Where the wild things are
Fairly well publicised that we may well be facing black or brown outs this winter due to underinvestment and lack of power stations I think it's 4% we have to play with and a cold snap could finish us off?

So a (slightly mad) friend of ours is stocking up on candles and canned food, this has prompted the mother in law to start panicking which in turn has got mrs duck in a flap. :lol:

Are you bothered? If so what are you doing to prepare for the worst? bloody times link, you have to pay subscription to read it! here is a daily fail link for us plebs without a sub

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We cook on an LPG gas hob (would have to use matches to light it during a power cut)

We have a wood burning stove and plenty of wood.

And at least 2 portable gas camping lights.

No I'm not worried.

meh. they were on about it the other week, lowest capacity in 7 years, were all going to die etc etc. erm, so if its lowest capacity in 7 years, then 7 years ago it must have been lower capacity, and i cant remember everywhere being in darkness then, so if have more capacity now than when nothing happened, then unlikely to be anything to worry about...

We cook on an LPG gas hob (would have to use matches to light it during a power cut)

We have a wood burning stove and plenty of wood.

And at least 2 portable gas camping lights.

No I'm not worried.
No gas stove but a camping stove as back up.

Otherwise the same.

Power cuts in the winter here are the norm.

Sometimes for a few days.

One year no water or power for a while.

We all lived to tell the tale.

Actually it was ok. we just made our own entertainment for a while. :D

We cook on an LPG gas hob (would have to use matches to light it during a power cut)

We have a wood burning stove and plenty of wood.

And at least 2 portable gas camping lights.

No I'm not worried.
So everyone up to Prodave's then   ......its left at Loch Ness and keep going till midnight ...if you see the Northern Lights you've gone too far.

I had to look it up but remember the logo :)

The Central Electricity Generating Board (CEGB) was the cornerstone of the British electricity industry for almost 40 years, from 1957 to privatisation in the 1990s.[1]

Because of its origins in the immediate post-war period, when electricity demand grew rapidly but plant and fuel availability was often unreliable, most of the industry saw its mission as to provide an adequate and secure electricity supply, or "to keep the lights on" as they put it, rather than pursuing the cheapest generation route.

It was created in 1957 from the Central Electricity Authority, which had replaced the British Electricity Authority. The Electricity Council was also created at that time, as a policy-making body for the Electricity Supply Industry.
Sounds like a sensible idea.

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Exactly, who wasted billions on all these stupid windmills and solar panels?? Were not making them in the 70's. Scrap the lot, and let us have some proper coal fired power stations. Would cause a boom in the railways, engineering, allsorts, but no, waste money on stupid pointless windmills.


The whole lot should be renationalised, the CEGB, all of it. The economic geniuses that run the country are too stupid to understand that as things are, every time you switch on a light, it is an import, with money flowing OUT of this country.


I thought ukpn was owned by a Chinese bank or something?

A new push on nuclear would probably bring in more than coal would given the amount of materials that would be needed to build a power station. Still not sure what to do about the railways once it's built?

.....and can you remember the acid rain that resulted from burning coal?

Global warming is also now official as per the news this week. Give me windmills anyday.

How are windmills going to work???? The colder the weather, the less the wind??????

Give me acid rain anyday...

Global warming is COMPLETE nonsense. The temerature has always varied, The romans had vineyards here, a few hundred years ago people ice skated on the frozen thames....

Global warming is a THEORY, Handicapping OUR businesses, while the chinese do what they like, will ruin what is left of our industry. This is a FACT. Big difference between the two..


I thought they had cleaner technologies for burning coal?

Still I'm not convinced that digging up dinosaurs and burning them is the answer?, maybe short term but long term we need to invest heavily in our infrastructure none of this rusty 1940's nonsense and start building nuclear plants until the next big thing comes along. 

Wind power is great but not on a calm day and as we cannot store the energy produced for when we really need it, it's  kinda pointless....


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