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termites are one of the bigest natural causes of methane which is 4 times worse than CO2, but who breeds cows, we do! There are lots of natural greenhouse gas causes, but fossil fuels are the biggest avoidable cause, along with McDonalds burgers, though they have stopped chopping downtrees in Argentina for UK burgers - one of the biggest problems with expanding cattle ranchs is that yo chop down foressts with absorb CO2 etc, in favour of animals which generate methane

If you want to get really cheery, should the permafrost in the artic circle ever start melting then it will release major amounts of trapped CO2 and methane, then you get into global warming as a run away situation which will make the current issues look like a wee in the ocean.

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I'm still not convinced.

Please don't get me wrong, I am in favour of recycling. Insulate your home so as not to waste energy. We put a jumper on before turning up the heating. I hate waste of all kinds (especially food). I'm not a carefree consumer.

I just don't believe that we are doing this. I honestly don't. OK so we've had the warmest October for a long time, its only 2 years since we had the coldest December!

We only have accurate records from recent times. It's not a long enough period to genuinely measure changes now compared to changes in the past.

Please everyone remember that the concept of human induced climate change is only a theory. There was a time the best scientific minds in the world thought the earth was flat and the sun revolved around the earth.

Large scale nuclear power generation is the ONLY sustainable source moving forwards. I can't see a coherent argument for anything else.

Oooohhh you stubborn Yorkshire Cow poker. Good man, at least you are prepared to stand up and be counted :^O

OK so where is all the CO2 coming from. Unlike methane and other greenhouase gases, CO2 is only produced by burning stuff, and nothing else on the planet consistently burns stuff like humans do 24 hours a day.

Don't think global warming will only result in warm weather, it is causing bigger more active weather systems, hence the month of rain and gales we had last spring, and if we get a cold snap, expect it to bigger and nastier than normal too.

That BBC summary obviously does not present the detailed papers and research, and to be frank I haven't got time to go dig them out for you. As for accurate weather data, why do you think they keep drilling for core samples in the Antartic? The data they get from these provides the data to build the global models for CO2 etc etc for thousands of years ( not sure how far it goes back) and also reveal the effects of natural events such as major volcanic explosions. Sun spot activity can be traced back around 500 years from observational records, and lots of other data can be gleaned from other sources, how else do you think they know we have had ferns to frost in the UK and have had ice-ages and droughts for millennia. When you subtract the effects of natural events form the CO2 records the conclusuion is that the greenhouse effect is being caused by CO2 generated by human activity, not just in emmissions, but also from farming and forest clearance activities reducing the planets ability to remove CO2 from the atmosphere.

Lets pick a scientific subject you know about, ie TB in cattle, has it yet been proven that TB is spread from badgers to cattle, or is that just a theory? Think we both know badgers harbour TB and help spread it around pasture land, and due to a lack of natural predators there are too many badgers, the population is therefore stressed by limited food sources, and consequently the badgers are small and unhealthy so are less disease resistant in the first place.

Now you are right about theories, most things are theories until after the event and measurements can be taken and the theory proven, which in this case means probably about 500 years after we are all dead. However enough evidence has been gathered and presented and analysed and scrutinised to convince 95% of the scientific community (and quite a few non-scientists) that CO2 emmissions are casuing global warming - you don't get a much stronger argument than that. PS it was the church that said the world was flat. I've forgotten why.

As for nuclear, we've already got a 3000 year problem, making it 3050 years seems trivial. My only argument against nuclear is sheer cost, and it's now all firkin French.

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im with patch on this. CO2 probably isnt helping anything, and we should be trying to do something about it & save energy etc, but i dont think global warming is purely man made. there just isnt enough evidence over a long enough period to prove anything. all this 100,000,000 years ago this and that happened it just best guess based on what someone has found and believed to have happened.

Nuclear is the way to go, then you can charge your car through the night when your solar isnt working and do it without burning dino fuel to get the electric

Haven't the IPPC just said Fossil Fuels must go by 2100?

So we all need to drive our cars, turn up the heating, fly long haul etc just to make sure all the fossil fuel is indeed gone by 2100. :coat

I think they're just trying to preserve the reserves for future generations to find!!

I was taking to a WPD commissioner yesterday and he was telling me that the threat of sequenced power cuts is real, programmes are already in place and have been for some time as the year 2015 was always given as the year for these to come into effect. !!!!

OK so where is all the CO2 coming from. Unlike methane and other greenhouase gases, CO2 is only produced by burning stuff, and nothing else on the planet consistently burns stuff like humans do 24 hours a day.
You know all living animals produce CO2 from respiration?

Various bacteria produce significant amounts of CO2 and methane.

Lets pick a scientific subject you know about, ie TB in cattle, has it yet been proven that TB is spread from badgers to cattle, or is that just a theory? Think we both know badgers harbour TB and help spread it around pasture land, and due to a lack of natural predators there are too many badgers, the population is therefore stressed by limited food sources, and consequently the badgers are small and unhealthy so are less disease resistant in the first place.
It has been shown that TB can pass from badgers to cattle. It has also been shown a huge reduction in new breakdowns where badgers are culled (a ~50% reduction in Northern Ireland).

I'm not denying that CO2 or methane can act as greenhouse gasses. If it were as simple as that, then we wouldn't get colder weather, just warmer. The effect of greenhouse gasses trapping heat (hence 'greenhouse') and doesn't properly explain volatility in weather.

I'm not even in favour of cutting down all the trees or mass burning of fossil fuel (it's dirty if nothing else) if there is a cleaner, sustainable alternative (nuclear). I quite like the planet.

What I don't agree with one bit is scaremongering - "unless we spoil the environment with ugly, inefficient turbines, stick solar panels on every roof and wear hemp underpants we are all doomed". That's just not helpful. 

And climate changes with zero influence from us. Sudden climate change is one postulated theory for the rapid extinction of the dinosaurs.

You know all living animals produce CO2 from respiration?
And that never gets mentioned.

I wonder how much CO2 each PERSON exhales in a year compared to how much that person contributes by burning fossil fuel?

And for each X number of people, there are the livestock needed to support them.

I really think it comes back to that population issue.

A question for Apache... Like binky my apple tree has not registered winter and hasn't produced fruit,"I have also noticed lots of baby birds are there other animals giving birth out of season? Or am I barking up the wrong tree?

We had apples. Last year was a bumper year for soft fruit, rarely do you get 2 in a row.

The sloes and holly are incredible around here for fruit.

That's true Apache, I was posting half asleep this morning.

have read of this link - it's written by someone who knows the subject better than me.

the badger thing was to emphasise that theories can be correct whilst unproven.

The scaremongering - if we do nothing may well come true the way energy demand just keeps rising. Solar and wind aren't ideal answers, but cheap, quick and available most kneejerk reactions from politicians. Can we stick to CO2 discussion for the moment and argue energy later. I need to convince you global warming isn't a firkin myth :^O

Get rid of the cows and EAT the BADGERS!  :lol:

EDIT: My mum developed a TB gland(s) in her neck as a kid in Eire seemingly from drinking milk straight from the (presumably infected) cow..........still has damn great scars to show for it.

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People of 3rd world countries burning wood and whatever there is to hand to keep warm and cook doesn't help. I remember going to Morocco from tarifa on the ferry and standing on the deck the bloke next to us said... "smell that??? That's the smell of Africa". smelt like burnt tyres to me! Deforestation is a result of our liking of the yellow M and poor education.

Edit: Apache are you seeing larger animals giving birth out of season???

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Worse case scenario 5° increase by 2100. I'll be dead by then. You are not going to convince me, sorry.

The Chinese are producing all this CO2 - is me sticking solar panels on my roof going to help?

The Mott MacDonald report on electricity costs (June 2010) found that nuclear was cheapest way of generating electricity. Produces almost zero CO2. Very green.

I have to feel very sceptical you trying to sell me renewable energy when a large proportion of your work comes from that sector. :Stir:


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