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It's a bit like using wind turbines as a green carrot..."look we built all these wind turbines to save the polar bears so we have to increase your fuel bills to pay for it but don't forget your saving polar bears".

But they don't mention the amount of raw materials that go into them, the fact you hAve to build special ships to carry and assemble them, the amount of fuel needed, and they don't work when it's not windy or too windy. :C

if you want to go poke around a few sites you will find figures for all those points Duck. What the governmant is hiding is the lack of investment means private sector investment is needed, which means we have to pay a profit to the French / Germans / whoever else has paid for the work. Your bills will go up!

I rekon they've really missed a trick! They spend huge amounts on vanity projects when they could have chucked some some cash at bringing our energy networks into the 21st century and providing power stations instead of having to buy it all off the French.

But as usual us plebs are at the mercy of huge corporations where profit is there main goal.

Just imagine the ammont of employment that would be created in the energy sector and the benefits it would bring to all aspects of our lives.


renewables is certainly employing many thousands. Decent national grid would help a lot, we are only allowed 4kw limited to 16A per phase which is annoying when you have a roof big enough for 6 or 8 kw.

you could also stop voting for the capitalist Tory party :Stir:

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renewables is certainly employing many thousands of unskilled idiots doing dangerous installs for a pittance and taking work off properly skilled people. Decent national grid would help a lot, we are only allowed 4kw limited to 16A per phase which is annoying when you have a roof big enough for 6 or 8 kw.

you could also stop voting for the capitalist Tory party :Stir:
Im not going to get into a slanging match over political parties,

as if Labour was in power it'd be unskilled foreigners doing every job,

already are as allowed in by the Tories, and labour before that, and tories before that, but there is also plenty of unskilled british labour being used by dodgy companies. Might be a bit different up your way, but most of the cowboys have gone from around here.

Some posh prat MP was saying on the radio the other day how marvellous it was we had all these Polish builders to keep the sites working in London...firkin twot

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Ok, time to regurgitate my favourite political saying...

Guy Fawkes, the only man to ever enter Parliament with honest intentions.
now, that brings up something I was thinking about last night,

was bonfire night started by the anti -parliment brigade as in

we are still going to do this

or, the pro-parliment brigade ,

in a Jim Bowen Fashion

look what you could have done      :slap

Do you reckon Guy Fawkes really did do what they said though..... or was it a "Weapons of mass destruction" type lie to cover up anti catholic activities......

No good asking me, i was not there!!!!


kind of paid for his cock-up :innocent

Do you reckon Guy Fawkes really did do what they said though..... or was it a "Weapons of mass destruction" type lie to cover up anti catholic activities......

No good asking me, i was not there!!!!

is there anything you believe in John :^O

certainly did happen and result was terrible for English Catholics. Part of the plot was to strat a revolution and overthrow the whole state, having first removed most of it with a big bang leavinga power vacuum for catholic overthrow of the anti-christ protesetant state. Even the plotters realised it would be bad for th catholics if they failed, especially with Spain at war just over the channel in Holland. I f they hadn't run out of cash and had to tell a few too many people, then warned off certain prominent catholics from attending parliament that day, they probably would have succeded. As it was, word got out, andit fuelled anti-Catholic suspicions for centuries to come, it still kind of exisits now even if people have forgotten why, I know i was raised RC :pray

kind of paid for his cock-up :innocent

is there anything you believe in John :^O

certainly did happen and result was terrible for English Catholics. Part of the plot was to strat a revolution and overthrow the whole state, having first removed most of it with a big bang leavinga power vacuum for catholic overthrow of the anti-christ protesetant state. Even the plotters realised it would be bad for th catholics if they failed, especially with Spain at war just over the channel in Holland. I f they hadn't run out of cash and had to tell a few too many people, then warned off certain prominent catholics from attending parliament that day, they probably would have succeded. As it was, word got out, andit fuelled anti-Catholic suspicions for centuries to come, it still kind of exisits now even if people have forgotten why, I know i was raised RC :pray


without wanting to get into a sectarian statement of fact debate, of which that is NOT,

you will find that the roman catholics pray to idols, the 'virgin' mary, the pope, etc etc etc,

Protestants pray only to God,

now, where a lot of facts have got distorted are within the church of england where it is still very much based upon RC traditions, that is not the reformation Martin Luther envisaged ,

the reason for any anti-catholic suspicions you may feel people have is this,

it is like every other false religion [and there are a few around at the minute doing just this] , they try and force their views unto others whether they like it or not,

its a totalarian state religion,

be like us or we will force you to be like us or kill you in the process,

all the answers are in the history books, that is why the vatican state was formed, to hide what the catholic church did not want 'commoners' to know about, also the financial side of it too, but thats another story,,,,,,,

WTF does it turn to religion, a century on and arguments still stem from religion, and what makes it worse, it is all  different interpretations of the same blinking book.

Does that sound familiar! ;)

Partly in jest BTW, but I hope you get what I mean.

Red or Green copy, or are you going to wait for the Yellow?... ;)


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