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it'll get you long before 2100, it's already affecting our climate and costing you money through insurance. Leaving the world in a **** state for future generations is also very selfish. :yellow card

as for the Chinese, well, who gave them all our industry and exported our pollution? they are only cheaper because of their low standards of H&S and environmental protection, if they had to compete on a level playing field we would still have lots more factories and work. And who benefits from cheap products, in theory you do. Classic case of capitalism making a quick buck, which will cost us all lots of money.

Global warming is a Global issue, so sticking some panels on your roof will help, along with fuel effiicent vehicles, insulated houses etc etc.

not seen that report, did it include the cost of 10 year enquries and on-going costs of waste storage? Still can't build them fast enough anyway. Whilst they may have virtually zero emmissions, that doesn't mean a low carbon footprint, the building materials also have a carbon cost, and I'm sure someone once worked out that more energy goes into building a nuclear power plant than you actually get out, though that was a while ago, and may just be anti-nuclear spin....

Not trying to sell you anything, it'll cost me too much in diesel to install up your way, though I will point out how many things can you buy actually make you money??? If that doesn't get the Yorkshireman in you, nothing will :^O

What I am trying to point out is that the overwhelming evidence says humankind is causing global warming, whether you believe it or not. :shakehead headbang

I think a massive problem is the deforectation

caused by the need to feed an evergrowing population,

as Dave pointed out out

and the fact that wealthier people like to eat meat and dairy, now 1 acre can feed 1 cow, or 40 people if used to grow crops ( no I'm not veggie and have no plans to be, but I have cut down meat in favour of good quality stuff in smaller quantities). So in theory we could quite happily feed the world, but I would rather see population fall - takes the pressure off everything, land, water, food, health, and climate.

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it'll get you long before 2100, it's already affecting our climate and costing you money through insurance. Leaving the world in a **** state for future generations is also very selfish. :yellow card

as for the Chinese, well, who gave them all our industry and exported our pollution? they are only cheaper because of their low standards of H&S and environmental protection, if they had to compete on a level playing field we would still have lots more factories and work. And who benefits from cheap products, in theory you do. Classic case of capitalism making a quick buck, which will cost us all lots of money.

Global warming is a Global issue, so sticking some panels on your roof will help, along with fuel effiicent vehicles, insulated houses etc etc.

not seen that report, did it include the cost of 10 year enquries and on-going costs of waste storage? Still can't build them fast enough anyway. Whilst they may have virtually zero emmissions, that doesn't mean a low carbon footprint, the building materials also have a carbon cost, and I'm sure someone once worked out that more energy goes into building a nuclear power plant than you actually get out, though that was a while ago, and may just be anti-nuclear spin....

Not trying to sell you anything, it'll cost me too much in diesel to install up your way, though I will point out how many things can you buy actually make you money??? If that doesn't get the Yorkshireman in you, nothing will :^O

What I am trying to point out is that the overwhelming evidence says humankind is causing global warming, whether you believe it or not. :shakehead headbang

and the fact that wealthier people like to eat meat and dairy, now 1 acre can feed 1 cow, or 40 people if used to grow crops ( no I'm not veggie and have no plans to be, but I have cut down meat in favour of good quality stuff in smaller quantities). So in theory we could quite happily feed the world, but I would rather see population fall - takes the pressure off everything, land, water, food, health, and climate.
how many people can eat 1 cow?

and how many harvests are you going to get per year for veg?

:slap me too lol

Aren't their some radioactive sheep on an island somewhere? Or was that anthrax?

Gruinard Island was used for testing anthrax in WW2 but since been decontaminated. They're so sure it's "safe" that they've left a flock of sheep on there to see if they sicken and die! for radioactive sheep wasn't there issues with fell sheep somewhere after Chernobyl...........Cumbria maybe?

OK, late in to this.

What is the carbon footprint of renewable technologies, noting that a lot of it is made in China?...

TBH, I sympathise with a lot of the arguments here.

Reduce, Re-use, Recycle.

Renewables have their place, however, caveat above.

Nuclear has a future, however, we should have kept this expertise in the UK, now it would be exporting.

Fossil fuels have their place also.

Hydro also has a place, but it is so expensive, and, with no base load nuclear left it is almost not economically viable.

However, if we could use renewables to store their energy in kinetic form in hydro, then that would solve a few issues especially when you consider how quickly a hydro plant can run up to full capacity.

1.5 years for Chinese panels, 6 months for European Sidey.

Nuclear, another technology lost, remember the Advanced Gas Reators? Just so wish our governments of the last 3 decades had invested some serious money into R&D, or given tax breaks to companies that did.

Coal will always be the enemy of the die-hard tree huggers, we burn 7.8 billion tons a year globally, but it still has a place. I have seen some ideas for turning waste carbon into usable fuel, but they are all at the experimental stage, so don't hold your breath!

Waste to energy is another fossil fuel type option.

Whether that is good or bad we are yet to know.

I'm guessing those figures are for solar PV panels, what about solar thermal, wind turbines and other renewables?

Gruinard Island was used for testing anthrax in WW2 but since been decontaminated. They're so sure it's "safe" that they've left a flock of sheep on there to see if they sicken and die! for radioactive sheep wasn't there issues with fell sheep somewhere after Chernobyl...........Cumbria maybe?

oops   :eek:


Really late into this.

We`ve discussed this previously ( more than once).

Although we ( as humans) MUST be having some effect, in regard to the CO2 we generate - the ( touched on) subject of deforestation is, to me at least, a much bigger issue.

Remembering that the trees "breathe in" the CO2; and "breathe out" oxygen - thereby naturally rebalancing things........once upon a time...........

I find those to be some of the scarier facts around. What we burn / don`t burn / generate / don`t generate isn`t going to matter; unless something is done about the huge areas being stripped daily ( 1.5 acres * 86,400 seconds per day = approx 120 thousand acres per day cleared.

THAT is the worst damage we`re doing to the ecosystem. Unless we all stop breathing; power generation will be the least of our problems...............

Canoeboy said:
My mate breeds cows - Him and his missus can eat a whole 1 tonne cow 

They like their meat 
I can eat a whole cow,

just not in one sitting,

what are more meaningful results are

how many man days can 1 acre of land sustain to feed someone, ?

meat ?


saying 1 acre can only feed 1 cow, but can feed 40 people is meaningless,

for how long can it feed them?

that 1 cow might feed one person 2 years, but the vegetables might only feed 40 people for 2 days.......

Read somewhere once, DO NOT KNOW IF IT IS TRUE OR NOT, that it takes more energy to make a solar panel than it will ever produce in its lifetime.

Apparently, some muppet has converted one [some??] of our powerstations to burn woodchips. Apparently, where they get this stuff from, it takes more energy to produce it, [it is not just chopped up wood] than they get from burning it, really good idea, and it is very expensive too.

Even worse, what about the green retards that think it is a good idea to turn vast amounts of arable land over to growing perfectly good food, [corn and sugar cane] only to make it into ethanol to put in petrol.... Not only is this just wrong when there are people starving, but this muck dissolves your carburettor, never mind the rubber bits in it, nad makes your car use MORE fuel too....


some of the wood chip for Drax is brought in by ship to the tyne, then train to Drax. wonder how much dino fuel it takes to get it shipped over here then in transport to the power station

Read somewhere once, DO NOT KNOW IF IT IS TRUE OR NOT, that it takes more energy to make a solar panel than it will ever produce in its lifetime.

Apparently, some muppet has converted one [some??] of our powerstations to burn woodchips. Apparently, where they get this stuff from, it takes more energy to produce it, [it is not just chopped up wood] than they get from burning it, really good idea, and it is very expensive too.

Even worse, what about the green retards that think it is a good idea to turn vast amounts of arable land over to growing perfectly good food, [corn and sugar cane] only to make it into ethanol to put in petrol.... Not only is this just wrong when there are people starving, but this muck dissolves your carburettor, never mind the rubber bits in it, nad makes your car use MORE fuel too....

Not true John as most solar factores are powered by their own panels and technology has moved on from the days when that was true.

Woodchip = biomass subsidies and no doubt CO2 trading - capitalism at its best. Think they are importing because of lack of supply from UK

Your cheap supermarket fuel already contains ethanol. Most people are starving due to their own governments rather than lack of food resources, but it is a vaild point about land use, only poor quality farmland should be used for solar farms or bio-fuel. Bio fuel crops like willow can have good bio diversity benefits ( nesting habitat for small birds etc etc ). In my opinion this line of developement is  abit of a dead end, howeevr other possibilites exist like using algae to produce fuel as is being researched by my local marine biological unit.

retards - what's your answer to the worlds energy, eco, food, population problems then, or doesn't the world have any problems caused by mankind?

Funny how co2 issues are sooo important until commercial gain comes about! Everybody going to bonfires this week??!!
isn't that the truth, capitalism will only deal with global warming IF they can make money from it, in the meantime they will continue to make money at the expense of the planet given half a chance. Which is where governments and political will comes into play...

no real harm in a few bonfires - no point being a kill joy after all, look where that got Cromwell and the Roundhead parliament.

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