20 Watts !!! What is the voltage ? I think I may have severe Volt Drop .
The human brain amazes me .....what manner of retrieval system does it use ? Forget your computers ...just think , someone mentions a name , say a famous person who you 've not thought about for 40 ---50 yrs .............WOOOSH !!!! in a nano second you see his face , hear his voice , remember that famous film he was in and all the others in it and the storyline too and even the person you who was with you in the cinema.
What about that remarkable ability to recognise a face , say from the thousands piling off the London Underground ...a moving swaying , sea of human faces dashing by and ..Hey ! I was at school with that person 50 yrs ago .
Or the mind of someone like the late Steven Hawking whose brain left the wheelchair and travelled into inter stella space ...theorizing and computing ...answering the unanswerable .....TO BOLDLY GO WHERE NO MAN HAS BEEN BEFORE