Anyway, although there should only be one master socket per line, you'll find depending on line conditions you can run more than 1 quite satisfactorily. I have on many occasions for one reason or another.
sounds about right. and why keep master & slave, when you can use master for everything?They just add whatever is on the van.
Yes, boy? Are you sniffing around for more money again?Grandad?
Some conversions to 431/631 jacks were wired that way, but you'll also find green & brown the opposite way round.Older cables 2 = Blue.
3 = Green.
4 = Brown.
5 = Orange.
Larger sizes can also be found in some domestic properties. 4-pair is not that unusual:BT Dropwire comes with 2 pairs of cores.Pair 1 is WHITE & ORANGE
Pair 2 is BLACK & GREEN
The line current will depend upon the resistance of the loop, which is largely dependent upon distance from the exchange. On long loops, you may see a considerably lower current, down to about 25mA.BT line voltage is -48v DC wrt earth across pins 2 and 5, supplied at 40mA.
i do i do sirYes, boy? Are you sniffing around for more money again?Fax is a great step up from teletype (paper ribbons with 7 punched holes in - anybody know what I`m talkin` about?)
I wouldn`t be without a fax mate - business wise, it can save a lot of hassle, AND speed up payment!
ryryryryryryryry.........quick brown fox on a loopthey were the days
Yes, BELL was on the figure-shift of "J" in the I.T.A. No. 2 alphabet. There were other 5-element teletype codes which had it in a different place though.'J' Bell's as well as RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYR? or is me brain going senile again?