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Feb 26, 2008
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Had phone call from local builder one of my customers got a quick job for you 3 downlights in hallway wiring already there,got to job oh and i need you to wire in the 2gang switch and outside light walls already plastered.

I asked him about wiring on one part of ceiling he said thats how it was before so after wiring in lights found that one was on permanently (two phase wires 2neutrals and two earth wires) only one was live bit of head scratching and rang him back exactly what cable was there oh i forgot to mention i removed cable from old wall which was knocked through X,found out old ceiling rose was removed so i terminated cables and ran another cable from another downlight works great pity he couldn't have said this earlier dont you love them:_|

Thats typical of builders and some clients, they begger about with wiring to save paying a sparks , mess it up, call you in but forget to mention what they've done. Got a customer that does it, they spend hours and hours trying to get something working before getting you in. One of their guys told me they do it every time. Last one they had taken all the lid off some bench trunking, took all the plugs off , put them back again, RCD still would not stop in.

They call me in , test the RCD, faulty, fit new one, back in business. Guy said two of them spent all day on it.

I put in a quote which got accepted, a week before I started the lady of the house phoned me to say her builder had his own electrician and was included in the price.

Ok another one lost I thought.

6 weeks later I got a call and she said "all the electrics have been put in now,when can you come and give me a certificate?"

I asked her what she meant, well turns out her builder had rewired the place and told her that I could come and test it off for her when he had finished.

He said it was normal practice, its a way of getting it done cheaper for you love!

When I told her I nor any other electrician does that she was mortified, but the building inspector has asked for the certificate, I told her to report her builder to them and see if he can get any joy.

I do love builders and the lies they spin. X(

I will say...

there is the odd good builder here and there...

yes ok..

get back up off the floor.. sit back on your chairs boys.,... (and girls)

the job I am on at the moment is a builder's own house he is building from a barn/stable conversion.....

{ok just to set the record straight.. he is actually my wifes cousin... so perhaps this don't count}

but his if pretty well on the ball..

most of the design & spec bits he is leaving me to sort out..

just given a basic requirement of essential services they want in certain rooms etc..

But his comment to me (on several occasions) has been..

"your the electrician, you tell me whats needed..

as long as you can give me the certificate at the end so my building inspector is happy.. then I am happy!"

Also he's buying some of the stuff I am gettin other stuff..

he keeps giving me a top up of cash or a cheque each week..

so he don't have a big bill at the end..

Alls good as they say!

so they ARE some reasonable builders... but I do agree this IS the exception to the rule! :( :|

But it's not only builders.

I had a message on answer phone to call a customer to price up for sockets & lights in a shed & the submain from house to the shed.

Called the bloke back & ........(this may take a while)

"Oh thanks for calling back, I wont mess you about......I'm not wanting to pay an exorbitant price for something I can do myself, all I want you to do is supply a certificate"

Told him it doesn't work like that & told him to go through BC if he wants to do it himself

"yeh but they want to charge me "200 for the privilage"

Well that's

M107 - the thing is it would work! :D I know I see it differently to you sparks!

How would you feel if there was a proper system in place whereby anyone could work on the electrics and you'd issue the equivalant of a PIR and they would then be signed off without a stupid

M107 - the thing is it would work! :D I know I see it differently to you sparks!How would you feel if there was a proper system in place whereby anyone could work on the electrics and you'd issue the equivalant of a PIR and they would then be signed off without a stupid
Had phone call from local builder one of my customers got a quick job for you 3 downlights in hallway wiring already there,got to job oh and i need you to wire in the 2gang switch and outside light walls already plastered.I asked him about wiring on one part of ceiling he said thats how it was before so after wiring in lights found that one was on permanently (two phase wires 2neutrals and two earth wires) only one was live bit of head scratching and rang him back exactly what cable was there oh i forgot to mention i removed cable from old wall which was knocked through X,found out old ceiling rose was removed so i terminated cables and ran another cable from another downlight works great pity he couldn't have said this earlier dont you love them:_|
Seems like i opened a can of worms sorry guys;) been getting this with most jobs for builder but he is a good friend it seems his intensions are good but just poor knolledge of electrics which is where i come in thankfully money is money in these tight times but it wont stop me sticking to regs and having pride in my work

Check this one out i had today

guy phones up (who i now know to be a builder) i have rewired a property and i now need the consumer unit change for a crabtree type

Ok........alarm bells

took his name ,phone number and said im in a meeting ill phone you later

Phoned Elecsa help desk

tell the guy the story and he says the builder has been very cute...

advice was to do a PIR with limitations/recommendations get paid

get remedials done and go back and change cu ,issue cert get paid...

now thats a loophole even though it should have been notified to LABC

as long as i cover my behind with all limitations it should be a goer

This seems to be happening a lot, people wanting thier jobs passed off. As far as I know you can only EIC your own work, then as Specs says , inspect it and issue a PIR which I agree with, but it still doesn't EIC the job for LBC, so alot of sparks must be EIC, ing a lot of others jobs, methinks.


This seems to be happening a lot, people wanting thier jobs passed off. As far as I know you can only EIC your own work, then as Specs says , inspect it and issue a PIR which I agree with, but it still doesn't EIC the job for LBC, so alot of sparks must be EIC, ing a lot of others jobs, methinks.Deke
Thats if the LABC are aware of it....

but i would only be issuing EIC for cu change

issue an eic for a db change, but clearly state it is only for the change of the db, and that the circuits were installed by another third party/were existing.


how do you first fix a DB for an LABC inspector to inspect?

It comes off, and a new one back on again. What is the inspection for?

Just to notify the work should be enough, shouldn't it?

how do you first fix a DB for an LABC inspector to inspect?It comes off, and a new one back on again. What is the inspection for? Just to notify the work should be enough, shouldn't it?
Let him look inside the cover before you put the MCB's RCD's RCBO's in...

mmmmmmmm luuvly plastic box there mr spark sir....

yes go ahead and fit your MCB's!!!!! :p :^O:^O:^O

exactly so i think all a non part p but qualified spark has to do, is to notify, but not pay the fee for any pointless inspection . ;)

how do you first fix a DB for an LABC inspector to inspect?It comes off, and a new one back on again. What is the inspection for?

Just to notify the work should be enough, shouldn't it?
In theory yes, you can not really do a first fix, main reason is re-energising circuits neccessary for living ie:- cooking and heating.

We were allowed 2 hours for a cu change if I had to wait for some first fix inspection I would have been up the swanny without a paddle.

If the property is empty then there would be no problem but I fail to see what anyone would learn from seeing a first fix cu change?
