We calibrate to the official published manufacturers specification, adjustment procedures are something different and are not always made available as per the Fluke 165X series.milovisk I presume from your reply to a previous post of mine that you are involved in calibration testing. if so maybe you can answer this questionDo you calibrate to the Manufactures Calibration procedures or just to the manufactures Specifications.
if you are not testing to the Manufactures Calibration Procedures Were do you get the specification that you use for your cal purposes from,
ie. direct from the manufacture, From their Advertisement specification sheet or from the user manual ect.
Also if a manufactures calibration procedures involve optimization/Adjustment of the EUT
Does yours include that in your calibration process.
Answers to this would also be appreciated from any other cal houses/reps/employees.
Calibration is just a verification that the instrument is within specification and is compliant with the regulations in the environment in which it is used.
Adjustment is not required if the instrument is within that specification but as a matter og good practice we adjust if the instrument has drifted to more than 75% of the tolerance and record this as minor adjustment on the certificate. Some companies do not adjust unless they find the instrument is outside specification.