Can I Carry Out An Eicr?

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Nov 18, 2014
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I've been a sparks for 16 years and been paye most of my career, I'm quLified to the 16th (saving to do the 17th at mo) and a friend has asked me to do an eicr on a property he wants to rent out, I do these for my firm who are niceic registered but personally I'm not registered and my firm charge a fortune for certs because of their overheads,

Basically can I carry out this test and can I just purchase a standard eicr form to do so

Thanks in advance

If you can carry them out competently and have your own test equipment or your companies permission to use theirs,,,,,,, and the appropriate insurance,,,,,,, then crack on

You can get the standard forms from the back of the regs book or they are available as a PDF from the IET's website.... I'm sure that there are some available on here for a small fee

do you feel competent enough to do it?

do you have enough knowledge of previous regs?

do you have enough insurance?    <<<<--------- thats the BIGGIE

If you have the insurance to cover your backside & have the knowledge to understand the results & interpret the regs then crack on.

Definitely competent, work to and understand the current regs, by insurance do you mean public liability? I can get that easy enough I didn't know if I had to have the 2391 or if there was some specific legislation in place


(IMHO)  How can you be competent to test to the 17th when you have not proved your competence by holding the 17th?

Do you hold the 2395/2391?  If not walk away before you hurt someone (yourself included)

The NICEIC will let you do so but that is them and this is me.

Too many people think they are competent.  Too many people are farting about with test kits knowing next to nothing about the job.  If you have to ask... put your hands in your pockets.

Competence is judged by others NOT yourself.  Everyone thinks they a good at testing etc. until asked to explain the procedures to someone who is really competent and qualified to know the difference.  Martindale plug0ins etc.

Just my point of view. 


(IMHO)  How can you be competent to test to the 17th when you have not proved your competence by holding the 17th?

Do you hold the 2395/2391?  If not walk away before you hurt someone (yourself included)

The NICEIC will let you do so but that is them and this is me.

Too many people think they are competent.  Too many people are farting about with test kits knowing next to nothing about the job.  If you have to ask... put your hands in your pockets.

Competence is judged by others NOT yourself.  Everyone thinks they a good at testing etc. until asked to explain the procedures to someone who is really competent and qualified to know the difference.  Martindale plug0ins etc.

Just my point of view. 
This is where your theory is flawed, I've had many Electricians that have 2395/2391, 17th etc and they have known less than some that don't have it.

A lot of Electricians think they know it all and cannot be told otherwise, then you get those that are prepared to listen, learn and understand, they are the better ones in my opinion.

You say the NICEIC will let you do so, well I think they all will if that's what your saying.

I've been with the NIC for 28 years and every year i have to show how I test and my understanding, so is your theory based your experience as an AC contractor or do you have a grudge with the NIC, because in my 28 years with them I think they have been very thorough.

I've been a sparks for 16 years and been paye most of my career, I'm quLified to the 16th (saving to do the 17th at mo) and a friend has asked me to do an eicr on a property he wants to rent out, I do these for my firm who are niceic registered but personally I'm not registered and my firm charge a fortune for certs because of their overheads,

Basically can I carry out this test and can I just purchase a standard eicr form to do so

Thanks in advance

So this is an electrical inspection for a landlord, you may want to get your friend to check with any companies that are insuring the property that you would not invalidate the insurance by doing it yourself. It is not uncommon for some insurance companies  to ask for a logo'ed inspection report with either NIC, ECA etc. on the top it. This has no relevance as to whether you are competent or not, just simply a stipulation of the insurance policy.

Doc H.

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Steve 3948

My  'theory' as you put it is exactly what I said it was.  My opinion.

The schemes have been shown to be what they are.  Scams.  As for your NICEIC assessor he/she may be a little 'biased' shall we say.  I to have been assessed a few times Steve.  But the fact remains, the people doing the testing should prove their competence.  This can be gained by experience and training and qualifications.  One way of looking at it is to get the J.I.B. approved electricians gold card you will need???? ask yourself why.

 If they (as you say you do) understand the job then the exam should be a piece of cake.  I am assuming that you too hold the 2391/2395.

I speak as an Electrician, tutor, lecturer and assessor.  3-times QS (NICEIC companies)

By gaining the 2391 (as was) or the 2395 you have proven to know what you are talking about. If you have taken the exam you will understand why I say that.  I have hear the same line passed about by so many electricians over the years...

'He/she don't have the exam but they can do the job'!  It works until they get into the classroom and you ask them to show you how the test a ring-circuit. or explain one or two other matters.

Sorry Steve, what you say just don't add up.

As I said above, this is just my opinion based on 40 years in the trade with 20 years specialising in electrical inspecting/testing and teaching.  No axe to grind one way or the other.  Just my opinion.   By the way, the NICEIC assessed and passed the people who unlawfully killed the late Emma Shaw. No more to say is there?

If you are trained to test by an idiot then you will work and test like an idiot.  You will only have an idiot guide to compare yourself to.

Zimmy I too have been in the trade for s long time, 44 years and self employed for 27 of them, so I am fully aware that this trade is going downhill fast.

Short course schemes seem to be a big issue with guys saying they are Electricians with no clue at all.

In my 20's I worked for some the biggest electrical contractors in the uk, who employed 1000's of electricians, so how do you go about competance, I remember one apprentice had spent over a year on 20mm conduit and one day at college, he knew nothing.

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Steve 3948

My  'theory' as you put it is exactly what I said it was.  My opinion.

The schemes have been shown to be what they are.  Scams.  As for your NICEIC assessor he/she may be a little 'biased' shall we say.  I to have been assessed a few times Steve.  But the fact remains, the people doing the testing should prove their competence.  This can be gained by experience and training and qualifications.  One way of looking at it is to get the J.I.B. approved electricians gold card you will need???? ask yourself why.

 If they (as you say you do) understand the job then the exam should be a piece of cake.  I am assuming that you too hold the 2391/2395.

I speak as an Electrician, tutor, lecturer and assessor.  3-times QS (NICEIC companies)

By gaining the 2391 (as was) or the 2395 you have proven to know what you are talking about. If you have taken the exam you will understand why I say that.  I have hear the same line passed about by so many electricians over the years...

'He/she don't have the exam but they can do the job'!  It works until they get into the classroom and you ask them to show you how the test a ring-circuit. or explain one or two other matters.

Sorry Steve, what you say just don't add up.

As I said above, this is just my opinion based on 40 years in the trade with 20 years specialising in electrical inspecting/testing and teaching.  No axe to grind one way or the other.  Just my opinion.   By the way, the NICEIC assessed and passed the people who unlawfully killed the late Emma Shaw. No more to say is there?

If you are trained to test by an idiot then you will work and test like an idiot.  You will only have an idiot guide to compare yourself to.

how deluded can one person be?

About as deluded as you lot it seems.  No wonder the trade is in the mess it is.  Opinions are like arseholes, every one has one and most people are.
