Can you settle an argument (single phase sockets on a 3 phase install)

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Nov 28, 2009
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So take a large open plan modern office.

3 spines of under floor rows of sockets, one on each phase.

These connect to various floor socket boxes around the room.

What's the minimum permissible distance between 13A sockets fed from different phases?

And the Reg No?

No minimum distance AFAIK.

However, labelling if here is an "unexpected voltage" or something like that, which could be construed to mean 400V between s.o.?

Also if they were correctly labelled competent persons would have no issues with this anyway.

I am pretty sure it does not even have to be labelled. That was dropped when the 17th came out. There still is a reg regarding labeling of more than one phase in a light switch. I am still old fashioned though and on a 3 phase domestic job recently i made sure the sockets on each floor were all on the same phase (about 55 circuits in this house)

The old Brown book (16th ed) reg was 514-10-01 on page 88..

which referred to terminals that are simultaneously accessible and have a voltage greater than 230v must be labelled..

This was still word for word in the Red book ..

514.10.1 page 93... (17th ed..)

BUT ..

Green book 514.10.1 only refers to voltages in excess of 230 to EARTH that need labeling!

Dunno if that helps...?


The old Brown book (16th ed) reg was 514-10-01 on page 88..which referred to terminals that are simultaneously accessible and have a voltage greater than 230v must be labelled..

This was still word for word in the Red book ..

514.10.1 page 93... (17th ed..)

BUT ..

Green book 514.10.1 only refers to voltages in excess of 230 to EARTH that need labeling!

Dunno if that helps...?


"terminals that are simultaneously accessible and have a voltage greater than 230v must be labelled"

So I read that as terminals within the same ENCLOSURE >230V need labelling and adjacent sockets on different phases don't, but like a lot of things in the regs, that's open to interpretation.

Also, I would read from that, that I'd better go round and stick labels on ALL of my sockets and light switches, because they ALL have voltages >230V inside them (supply voltage here typically 245V, someone needs to tell our DNO we have harmonised the voltage)
