Certification Software - What Do You Use?

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Oct 9, 2013
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I'm currently using EasyCert for the PC and iPad when I’m out and about testing but the mobile software is buggy as hell.

I've had the software wipe Zs, R2 results etc and it crashes all the time, I’ve even been in the situation where the software has become unactivated and every time I tried to activate it, it throws up errors and support suggesting to reinstall the app, which wiped two EICR that I couldn’t export because the app wasn’t activated... One day wasted and looking stupid in the customers eyes as I’ve done the testing before.

Amtech have brought out software, which appears to be set out like a standard report, which you click on the box and enter the results, one thing I’ve found on the EasyCert software is that is clunky and has a results page that could be halved in size if you removed the pointless text titles like "Circuit Impedance" and then have the Zs entry nowhere near the title.

I’ve also toyed with the idea on upgrading to an android based tablet but on even trying the EasyCert app on my S4, it crashes if you enter an address from your contacts, which gives you the option too... This is basic stuff that’s just not tested...

EasyPATs is just as worse, tbh I had to ditch it as it doesn’t do anything what it should, even the PDF reports it generates has a question mark symbol where the Ohm symbol should be. I might add that SimplyPATs is far better and does everything you could want it to do.

But all this software is VERY expensive and I need something reliable and I need your opinion on what you use and what you use it for.

Kind Regards


Pen & paper

no tech required

no battery required

no having to go back to office / home to print it

no problem with question marks where ohms symbol should be

You could try my pdfs certs in the download section. However they don't work on the I-pad (they work on Mac and Pc). A few people on here have tried them and given positive feedback.

The pen in mightier than the tablet! I agree, but I’m trying to cut down on admin time and I prefer computer generated reports than hand written ones.

On site i just write it on a basic form, in a messy style, not worrying about it getting covered in dust, creases or the odd foot print. 

I have also worried about losing a digital copy when on site so i prefer the paper on site.

When i get home i type it up on easycert as i think its neater then hand written, easy to keep digital copys,easy to email pdf to customer. For me computer is good as when i cock something up i can easily fix it unlike hand written which i can soon turn into a messy scribbled out mess of corrections that looks like my sons homework.

I brought a Megger CM500 it saves your tests in the memory you then go home and download it. I found it was all bum about face so gave up on it. Since then I just write the results in my diary and when I get home fill them on PIR form as that is What I use for my certificates. It doesn't take to long to do a certificate on the computer. I would much rather do it that way not enough hours in the day to be messing about with ipod's 

You could try my pdfs certs in the download section. However they don't work on the I-pad (they work on Mac and Pc). A few people on here have tried them and given positive feedback.
and on Linux  :D

I use pen and notebook on site and then type up on rutts certs at home,

and I do probably at least 5 a week, no major time issue for me once you get a few templates made up.

Rutts certs get a thumbs up from me too,  :)

I've ended up using  icertifi on my ipad and I can't fault it at all, but on site for pretty much all of the testing I do unless it's a small DB I make site notes then transfer it all onto the ipad later on as going digital on site slows things down way too much I find 


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