Check boxes

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Supporting Member
Aug 22, 2008
Reaction score
Hi all,

I'm looking into buying a calibration checkbox. I have a box of resistors at the mo and a socket in my office that I use for checking Zs and RCD times.

I notice there's quite a difference in price on all the models I've seen. Can anyone recommend a decent one, or shall I not bother?

If you've got all the bits then just formalise it...

get some banana sockets and an adaptable box and fit them into that (that's what I've got), give it a serial number and off you go.

Also give the RCD adaptor a serial number and ID the socket you use for Zs testing on your cal check sheet!

That's what I do, and my assessor is well happy - and my meter hasn't been cal'd in five years!!

Just bought the Calcard from Steve, nice simple little device thats all that you need along with a NON RCD protected socket somewhere and a RCD adaptor or RCD to check the live test ranges.

Checked out my 2 MFT (1502 and 1553) that have recently been calibrated and even hunted out an old Kewtech KT61 I have not used for a long time and found even it all checked out within 3%.

Note that Elecsa except 3 Year calibration if Cal Card used in between.

Has any one info if other schemes are the same?

Yes Mark,

I can vouch for it, and was about to suggest support for forum sponsors.

Well Mark, I have been looking at it anyway ;)

Next time I'm in Norwich I'll pop in. In Stoke Ferry all next week so likely won't be then.

Well Mark, I have been looking at it anyway ;) Next time I'm in Norwich I'll pop in. In Stoke Ferry all next week so likely won't be then.
WOW Volt there is a place I havent heard of for a long long time, when i was a kid my nan lived in barton bendish (yes there is such a place) and we used to go there for a 3 week summer holiday every year ! ! ! ! !
