Christmas Budgets

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Domestic Electrician
Feb 18, 2008
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Just thought we could share some ideas on not spending too much at christmas

as parents we have a budget of 1k for all of it and new year

we dont buy for one st of Grandparents as they need to buy for 9 grandchildren

we dont buy for brothers or sisters who have kids that we buy for

dont bother with christmas cards

my three kids put in

my wife buys things all year and puts them to one side. Don't spend a massive amount prefer to enjoy the season by spending time with people and socialising rather than falling for the great commercialism con trick which Christmas has become. has very little to do with Jesus and people are surprised if you mention it even but He remains the reason for the season......

My wife makes hampers up for people. Not sure how cost effective it is but makes some jam, chutney, pickle. She also makes sloe gin, this year bramble whisky. She'll make a few festive biscuits, get a basket and some tissue paper and they look really really good. The investment is mainly time, but she'd make the stuff for us anyway.

I did a bit of wood turning and made pens, bowls etc for people for very little cost, but can't get to my lathe at the moment, my shed is a real tip.

So my tip - make stuff yourself.

Become a Jehovahs Witness(no offence intended to JW's)
Our neighbours one side are JW's actually very good neighbours, they know and appreciate where we stand and the same, we get on very well.

Not only Christmas, they don't celebrate their birthdays either, well at least our neighbours don't!

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We hate what Mrs SW calls these days Giftmas!

How old are your kids Theory?

I've got a 9 year old and last year I bought a big lump of clay, got her to make pressies for all adults that we had to give to, she painted it and they all had to pretend they loved it!! We all had fun and all the sculptures/models were well thought out and personal.

Wouldn't work if you are giving pressies to kids though - but we did buy cheap T-shirts and tie dyed them for her little cousins.

Just thought we could share some ideas on not spending too much at christmasas parents we have a budget of 1k for all of it and new year

we dont buy for one st of Grandparents as they need to buy for 9 grandchildren

we dont buy for brothers or sisters who have kids that we buy for

dont bother with christmas cards

my three kids put in
It is far too commercial, really gets my goat!

Having said that, this year we have a 18 month old grandaughter and a 9 month old grandaughter so it will all be going on making them smile. Went to my sons halloween party last night [ he does one every year, really goes to town on it. Big gazebo covering garden, flashing lights, smoke etc. he sells the stuff on the net so there is little cost]. I went as a Nun complete with scary mask. eldest grandaughter was there dressed as a pumpkin....would not come near me, even with mask at half mast. Took mask and wig off and she would not leave me alone. Let her put mask back on me and she screamed the place down. So i don't think I will be doing a 'Santa' for her.

Back to subject of presents...home made is best. It shows you have made the effort and not let somebody else do it for you. Best present I got was from my mate who is a welder and fellow Diver. He welded up a Hard Hat commercial diver complete with hammer, chisel and Air lines. Sat looking at it now on mantle piece.

My present wife will be happy if she has a Kitchen for Christmas...IT has begun........ :coat

I wait to do my xmas shopping till about 4.30pm on Xmas eve, if there is a pub on the way to the shop or I have no money then nothing is purchased. All xmas cards i receive I change the from to to and resend them back. Being veggy saves money also. Last xmas I was in Spain and cooked for 21 people for a free xmas dinner. Cooked full turkey and trimmings, full veggy options and 2 desserts, all with one tray and one saucepan and electrics kept cutting out. If xmas costs me more than 20 quid I get depressed.

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Kids 20,,,,,18,,,,,16,,,15,,14

If i had my way i would ignore christmas and go on holiday

i get annoyed that it is so commercial

and that people throw money at it and not care........ by reading some of these posts im guilty of it aswell.

how many of us go into someones house end of January and christmas sweets,nut etc are still in the lounge ?????

note to self........rethink christmas

i agree xmas is over rated!

Me and streetlighter buy something for each other, normally spend a bit more then normal though, last year i bought him the makita lxt 18v drill kit, and a few other nik naks

and he bought me my ipod and bose dock with a few little nik naks!

i tend to just buy the adults (parents grandparents, and siblings) smellys normally they on 3 for 2 so get a good bargain on them!

this year its mainly about my 2 neices and 2 nephews they are all under the age of 8 so i like to spoil them a little bit and get them what they really want, last year one of my neices got a Samsung Digital Camera of us, and the other neice got a Nintendo DS with 5 Games. The digi cam was half price, and the DS was 2nd hand but only been played once so got the ds, 5 games, case, spare stylus for

My Grandad was Serbian and Christian Orthodox so celebrated Xmas on the 7th January. Growing up with a half Serb Dad and an English Mum we had 2 Xmas's, which as a kid was great!

Don't really keep a budget but try and keep track of how much is spent, try not to spoil the kids or waste money on things they will never play with. Its more about the excitement for them and just glad to see them happy, some people spend money for the sake of it. For me the whole period contains the best memories of my childhood and is the best time of the year.

I do agree that it is massively over commercialised now but for me that is all the more reason to try and retain the spirit. Whether you are religious or not (which I'm not), I think its important to remember what the season is meant to represent.

I hate the commercialism with a vengance TBH . TV is the worst , apparently we all need a new 3 piece suite and a new carpet for Christmas... do me a favour !!

We used to do some work for a local card company with it's own shops , no names, directors busy booking their world cruises as we all pay over

I would do without it, all the hype the commercialism, the pester power and demands for more and more expensive presents. It is a day that marks the birth of Jesus Christ but we know the church adopted a pagan festival. However I don't have a problem with having a week off work, spending time with friends and family and reflecting on life and God and everything really.

i would rather escape on holiday aswell....

so where shall we all go next year then ????
