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Had another good video but it will not let me post a link...
That will be this video
I do the nice things too.
Had another good video but it will not let me post a link...
That will be this video
I do the nice things too.
Do please watch the first video I posted.You are obviously a climate change advocate who does not want to debate it and anyone who disagrees is climate change denier,
Man maybe one of many factors but is not the sole cause of climate change and I doubt we can tax climate change out of existance
The earth since it was formed has had many climate change episodes over many many millions of years including ice ages so climate change isn't that new if you look at all the planets in our solar system an alignment of them is likely to be a one in 22 billion years event and the universe has only been around for 14 billion, how that may affect the climate on earth is anybodies guess but I doubt any of us will be around by the time it happens
I think you need to look at the wider science and a bit of history before jumping to conclusions and dissing people which could be offensive to some
Please do not make posts too personal.
The simple fact is the fossil fuel industries have done a really good job of smearing the climate change science and scientists. Look up Exxon black ops campaign if you are not familiar with it. Couple that with a right wing press that seems to think it's all a woke left wing issue, and you can understand people's comments, so please post considerately and keep all discussions civil.How can you possibly deny the freakish weather patterns and believe man is not a factor?
Please do not make posts too personal.
Somebody mentions the ice age and they are climate change denier without any debate, reallyDo please watch the first video I posted.
Let's be frank, if you burn billions of tons of coal, billions of barrels if oil and billions of cubic meters of gas every year, it isn't going to make the planet cooler...
Fossil fuels are far from the only cause of the unnatural climate change we are seeing today, but are the biggest cause.
Consensus is exasctly how science works when predicting future events, only after predicitions have been made, and events monitored to see how good (or not) the predictions are, can anything be confirmed in science. And if they manage to come up with a formula that is accurate at prediction, confirmed by events, then it becomes a 'law'. If you have ever had, or know someone who has had cancer treatment, they consultants never talk about definete results, but most likely outcomes. Climate change was first assessed as being the result of burning fossil fuels back in 1977, by Exxon, who also coined the phrase 'Greenhouse gases'. They then spent a fortune discrediting their own science for financial gain and generally gaslighting the climate scientists.CONSENSUS isn’t science.
my memory isn't as good as it used to beIce core samples from the Antarctic actually go back 800,000 years so it seems we are both wrong on that score.
No, not the historical sources, they give evidence for the general trends that be linked to CO2 from core samples, so give evidence for the 'base line' or normal CO2 trends. 1750 is important as that is basically the start of the industrial revolution, and mass burning of fossil fuels such as coal, as well as population starting to grow faster. If you look at the CO2 charts, you will see this correlates with an unnatural rise in CO2 levels, taking us to where we are now, 50% higher than normal. Funny thing is, no one mentions water vapour in the atmosphere, which is also an important part of the greenhouse effect, 1C allows the atmosphere to hold 7% more water vapour, hence the wettest winter since 1903 (dont quote me on that date, but there abouts), which also raises temperatures further, but there's little we can do about that other than reduce global temperatures to reduce water vapour in the atmospehere.My point about all of this discussion is to give an alternative view.
You say the historical data from all sources prove man made climate change. I read the article you linked to me with interest but it didn't convince me because The graphs only used data which went back to the mid 1750s? Or am I mis reading them.
The artical merely said how they interpret past measurements or analysed various elements to provide a picture of the weather at a particular moment in time and none of that proves conclusively that man made climate change exists?
The current concensus is that around 80% are convinced (some quote higher figures) climate change is man made. Some still argue it's natural / or not an issue, but then try to get 80% concensus on some of the discussions on here, there's always someone with a contrary opinion. That's just people . Most of the denier types are funded by the fossil fuel industry, so get a bigger voice than they truly deserve, and I havn't seen any win an argument yet, so they are slowly being sidelined an ignored, except by conspiracy theory types and right wing press. Even Stephen McIntyre, who caused the whole 'climate gate scandal' has been recorded saying climate change is happening, not sure if anyone has got him to admit it's man made, but then he used to be CEO of an OIl and gas company, so no surprise there then!. Link to climate gate below.It merely indicates that the majority of scientists have interpreted that data in that way.
Yep, to err is human, to foul things up completely needs a computer.Having been in the computer industry for some 50 years I know well how good computers are at getting things wrong. Garbage in garbage out comes to mind as a saying well used in the industry and let’s not forget the current Horizon scandal.
there have been lots, and they have been proven wrong. This link gives a short version of most of the various arguments https://skepticalscience.com/argument.phpWhy aren’t there alternative viewpoints.
they got fed up of argueing with idiots - I'm not joking about that. Here in Plymouth we have a Marine Biology unit, some of the staff I've done work for. They now work on the basis the majortity believe the science, and cant be arsed to continually argue with deniers. It's a waste of their efforts when they could be doing something more useful like planning for the future. Just look how many people still believe the earth is flat, or alien lizards rule the earth...Do 100% of scientists agree and if not why haven’t we heard from them.
Not sure they do, you would have to find out who they all are. The arguments have moved on from if it's man made to how to deal with it, and politicians are not scientists, trouble is they suffer from lobbying from fossil fuel industries, and lots of other wealthy types, which skews a lot of things. We do need to be wary of things like Hydrogen, expensive, and Carbon capture, also very expensive, but the sort of tech large corporations are trying to lobby the guv into to spending large amounts of money on.Why is it that all scientists that work for a government have the same viewpoint?
Everything is political. The right wing hate the idea of state intervention, which climate change requires us to do to make fast enough changes - stops them making money. This is one of my fave arguments, why would you listen to a billionare who doesn't give a damn about you instead of a climate scientist who does? As for the debates, you missed them years ago. Not so much on TV but amoungst scientists and on line. The deniers have had far more airtime than they deserve, purely because of the fossil fuel money feeding them, and just put the solutions back decades, meaning it will all cost more and be a harsher transition. You can go read some of the arguements if you like, but quite frankly unless you are a climate expert you would not understand some of the things they talk about, and nor do I, same as my customers don't understand BS7671.Is there a political agenda to all this ?
While ever one side of the argument is being denied airtime and debate sceptical people like me will assume the worst ?
Not amongst climate scientists there isn't, and Islam represents only 25% of the world populatio .There is a very large "consensus" that the only god is Allah. That does not mean that it is true, or that those that would not agree are idiots, misinformed, or "deniers"
You seem to have a real bee in your bonnet about global warming and seem to hold the view that people who disagree are idiots / deniers etc (as can be seen in this thread). For me, I'm not 100% in agreement that it's man made, the video's were certainly thought provoking. If you are a true believer in the science etc, why are you still driving an ICE vehicle and using a log burning stove (IIRC on this)?
Mmmm, sorry, I think you did or you inferred that "they got fed up of argueing with idiots"I have not called anyone an idiot, with the amount of fossil fuel sponsored BS that's been floating around for decades, I'm not surprised people have been mislead. That has been the whole point of the black ops campaign. And yes, I do give a **** about the future if the planet.
Thats the kind of problem though, youre banging the drum that we should be doing sometheing / doing more but then say the above statement.ICE, an old car is still greener than any new vehicle, plus nowhere to plug it in as I live in a terrace, plus the most efficient thing you can do is walk, cycle or catch a bus, plus I don't have the money! The car hardly gets used, so when it does eventually die we will look an EV then.
Log burners produce 465 times more toxic air pollution than gas boilers, They’ve been banned from new and refurbished homes in London, More Brits support a ban on log burners than oppose it. Log burners, also known as wood-burning stoves, seem like they should be sustainable – but they’re not, they produce extremely high levels of toxic air pollution, and reduce the number of CO2-reducing trees in the world. The CO2-absorbing powers of these trees can’t be replaced for at least 10 years, and often not for 40 years.Wood, CO2 cycle 40 years, so regarded as carbon neutral, and far better than te open coal fireplaces our house was built with. What I really need is external cladding to improve the thermal properties.
Then do something about it IF youre really troubled where were going.There's also an element of being pragmatic rather than overzealous about the whole issue. As I've said many times before, I ve been following climate change since about 1984, long before the black ops started, and it's plain obvious to me that our western lifestyle is unsustainable.
I absolutely respect your knowledge of solar but I'm unsure of your knowledge on climate change, I feel it's more of an opinion that true first hand knowledge and experience. I suspect that whilst you have had the green aspect of solar in mind, the prime reason is most likely earning potential.I went into solar for this very reason, and it's why I have freely given do much advice about solar on here. If you respect my knowledge on solar, why not climate change?
Necessity is the mother of invention, mankind is bloody clever at sorting issues and this will be no different, we will find a way.However, I've also concluded that **** all will change until it's too late, so I might as well just get on with life...