Commercial lighting with drawing

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Senior Member
Mar 23, 2011
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Can someone show me with the aid of a drawing how a load of fluorescent fittings would be wired up with a couple of emergency PIRs integrated into a couple of the lights all fitted with click roses.

Just need to get my head round it


emergency PIR's?

and i doubt anyone is going to make a drawing for you. youd get a better response making a drawing yourself and someone will help with any mistakes. question sounds like something you would have on a college paper, jst slightly re-worded to try and get someone else to do your work

I meant the ones that have sensors so the lights come on automatically when you enter the room

As above - Try downloading and draw it out - a pir is another way of switching the lights ( the pirs most likely will require a neutral) start from the DB and then go to your first lighting point then think about what connections you need at this point - what does the pir require etc - what role do the wall switches have in the set up i.e. are they overide/failsafe

When you say a load of florries, how much do you actually mean? Are you having emergency lighting as well? What type of property?

Also what part of the installation is it that you cant understand?

I think you might be worrying some of the sparks on here who might be reluctant to answer your questions with the information you have given so far.

When you say a load of florries, how much do you actually mean? Are you having emergency lighting as well? What type of property?Also what part of the installation is it that you cant understand?

I think you might be worrying some of the sparks on here who might be reluctant to answer your questions with the information you have given so far.
I only finished 2330 level 3 earlier this year, done 2391 5 weeks ago just waiting for result. Only had about 6 months site exp and little commercial exp so want to know about the way lighting in offices etc are generally wired up

So is this a theoretical excersise or a practical one?

And a PIR is just a switch with a Live & Neutral in and a Live & Neutral out.

Click roses are just a plug and socket.

The main thing that you have to be aware of is the switching capacity of the PIR, they are normally de-rated be 50% for flourescent loads

