Completely daft situation

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just a thought if you added this fan and rcd it you would still have to supplementary bond it to the other circuits if they had no rcd protection

I take it you are refering to Mark's piece in the Spring edition of Wiring Matters.
Yes, that's the one, at least primarily. I can't think of any other specific item offhand at the moment, but I know I've read one or two other articles of his which have caused me to raise my eyebrows a little at his interpretations.

Edit: Now I think about it, I seem to recall one of them was something about the use of Arctic flex and the related British Standards.

Shame really, I think he has forever dented his credibillity with that article.

just a thought if you added this fan and rcd it you would still have to supplementary bond it to the other circuits if they had no rcd protection
correct, since if nothing else in there is RCD'd, you have not met all the conditions to not supp bond

Given a choice between the IET, and the NIC. I would take the IET's advice, considering it is them that writes the Regs.
Agreed. :)

OMS is a consultant electrical/building services engineer who posts on the IEE wiring regs forum.

Like most of us he has his own ideas, and is prepared to defend his corner with quotes from the regs along with his academic qualifications and, previous practical experience to back up his arguments.

I suspect that he could well be classed as competent to undertake designs that did not comply with 7671 if called up to grip the bar (one of his sayings I think).

I am not saying he is always right, as is the problem with 7671 too much is down too interpretation.

Also sorry, but there is little real underpinning knowledge taught below undergraduate level and has been for many years now.

p.s. I'm not necessarily defending OMS, however, I have learned a little about his background over time, and similar to myself, we have both had to undertake first principles design from a clean sheet with little or no customer specifiations and where the relevant standards offer little or no guidance in certain areas...

Edit spelling!
