Confused after RCBO trip

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Active member
Dec 29, 2013
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So during the night one of my ring mains tripped (OK - RFC then!) the RCBO. First time it's happened. Tried to reset, got a bit of a spark and RCBO apparently not happy. Possibly I didn't flick it back fast enough?

Anyway, switched off all the sockets, RCBO resets fine. Then go around switching on sockets again one by one checking continuity on maybe suspect items as I go. Only now they're all back on and no problem :)

The circuit is nowhere near the limit but has quite a variety of items on: Transformers for CCTV camera and landline phone, 2 fans, zigbee bulbs, plug in door bell, laptop, mains LAN units, Robot hoover.

Any ideas folks ?  

Yep, could be anything.

Either leave it and monitor it a bit closer or test the circuit and appliances.

Random tripping of RCBO's (and RCD's) can happen. As it happened at night - and it could just be a 1 off, so do little unless it happens again, then if it does, and its at night again, then start by unplugging as much as you can.....

A few weeks back a neighbour called me because both of the RCD's had tripped on their board - I reset them and its not happened (before) or since - odd to say the least but a 1 off event isn't worth wasting time and money investigating...
