Could you check my installation

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Sep 22, 2022
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I had pv installation recently but I think this work is not acceptable.

Survey done 2-3 weeks ago and they said will be clean and easy job. However I'm attaching pictures because I don't think installation is in even on average standard.
I think installers even left transport protection film on panels.

Right side is not leveled because they said roof is not straight.
Left side dropping down but rails brackets screws are the best. Also I think there is still transport film on panels. My problem was scaffolding was installed till today and I have noticed 1 day after installation all the issues. I just paid deposit. Do you think this installation is correct ?




There is kind of 5 screws like that


First question is : how secure and safe it that installation?

I have asked scaffolders and they measured and looks like left side of panels are 5 cm lower than right side. Is that acceptable ?

System is working however in my opinion is not acceptable something like that.
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To me that doesnt look acceptable.
1) The panels are not inline left/right & up/down that would drive me mad, maybe not an issue other than OCD.
2) Looking at the tiles at the RH side of the roof it looks like theyve been moved over the edge where the panel mounts are rather than cutting the tiles ? There may be issues there with pointing at the edge of the roof etc.
3) The wiring draped over the guttering and clipped to the wall is a complete mess and would be totally unacceptable to me.
Ignore the wiring it is old BT installation but thanks.
Is there any company etc in UK which can check safety and proper quality of this installation? I understand house and roof is not brand new but they should install this properly and in one line.
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1. You should have had mesh around the panels installed

Does it default or extra paid option ?

2. What’s happened to your loft insulation

Insulation? I just have insulation under floor 40cm wool

3. Yes it’s been thrown up in a hurried fashion

I know it crap :(
1. Yes it costs extra, and stops pigeons roosting under your panels

2. Why don't you add loft insulation - the cheapest cost saving you can do

3. What have they said to you?
Because I have insulation under loft floor and is very thick. No problem with this at all house is OK.

They said roof is not straight but they can adjust this on rails (I think). That's does not excuse for missed rail screws and protection film on the panels. Also they dropped tools bag from scaffolding and probably damaged roof on the porch neighbours but neighbours not noticed this yet.

Question to other installers does the JA Solar panels going with transport protection film ? I just can't figure out what are those marks on the panels?
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That's an appalling job.

As you say the panels aren't straight on the roof, and also look like they aren't the same height as each other.

They also haven't used end clamps, they have used mid clamps at the ends. End clamps are designed to push in and down on the panel, where the mid clamps is designed to provide even pressure on two panels, to me the mid clamps could slip in high winds as there is no tension on both sides.

But the biggest issue to me are the missed screws. Roof hooks are usually only secured by two screws, which means some of yours are missing 50% of their strength. Anyone can push down on the roof felt to see where the edges of the beams are.

If it's that bad on the outside, what is the inside like? Have they set the inverter settings right? Are the electrics safe? Have they filed the installation with your DNO?

I'd be well pi**ed if someone did that on my roof.
Do you think protection film is still on panels? I can't figure out what's are this white things. Electrical job is very good. It was 2 different teams one was contractors (on roof) I'm happy with electricians. Do you think if they said roof is not straight is just excuse or possible ?

I think installation working fine just looks very bad. I had today 3340 Watts from 12-17 it is 10x405w and temp solis inverter 3300w so was max of the inverter. When stock allow will be givenergy 3.68 hybrid inverter
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Unfortunately I can't open most of the images, but panels do not have a film on them.

What bothers me more is the top panel clip on the lower panels which appears to be overhanging the frame.

I would refuse to pay any more money, put a complaint to the company in writing (email counts). They have to respond within 10 days under MCS rules. If you don't get a satisfactory response, then take matters further to MCS themselves.

As for roofs being wonky, they all are, but that doesn't mean you can't make a neat job. Panels are also not square, so can be easier said than done sometimes.
Unfortunately I can't open most of the images, but panels do not have a film on them.

What bothers me more is the top panel clip on the lower panels which appears to be overhanging the frame. And I'm not sure there's an expansion gap between the panels.

I would refuse to pay any more money, put a complaint to the company in writing (email counts). They have to respond within 10 days under MCS rules. If you don't get a satisfactory response, then take matters further to MCS themselves.

As for roofs being wonky, they all are, but that doesn't mean you can't make a neat job. Panels are also not square, so can be easier said than done sometimes.
Probably director will visit my property to check this screws in the roof. I'm not going to avoid any payment and even offered extra money to cover damaged roof tiles, but I spent 10 years in network cabling and I can easily recognise good and shit work. Thanks for all. I'll add more info soon with pictures.
Ok, can see the scew pictures today (I'm in Scotland where internet is variable). Missing the timbers is pretty obvious when installing roof hooks, they should install at least 2 screws per hook, but there's no way of confirming that without lifting the panels to check. I would not be too concerned, as the frame is good for hurricane force winds, but it's not good installation work and shows a lack of care.

Likewise the run on the panels can be tweaked out. No matter how wonky a roof, you can at least get a parallel line to the roof edge. Panels are not square, so tend to drop over the run, something that has driven me to distraction on a commercial installation of 40 panels in a row. The drop on that was around 2 foot if we had not tweaked the panels as we went along. Also very irritating is when the batch of panels has different widths, completely firking up the alignment between rows 🤬
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Hey Binky, sorry, a little off track, but that's incredible that you find a lot of panels that aren't the correct size and shape. I'm amazed by that.
I'm not expecting perfect ideal work as I can agree with some things house is old. But in my area are 2000 similar houses (Bentilee Stoke on Trent - used to be biggest social housing estate in Europe, now 90% houses are private) and few hundreds solar panel installation. Definitely mine looks worst :(
I'd definitely get them back to sort it out. All these things can be adjusted/tweaked, so they can get it looking good by eye.

I actually watched an Artisan Electrics video the other day where they were installing a solar system with Ovo Energy (I think that's there name, sorry if that's wrong), and despite all there careful measuring, when the panels went on, they looked to slope with the roof line, like yours, so they took them off and corrected them. They checked as they went along.
I'd definitely get them back to sort it out. All these things can be adjusted/tweaked, so they can get it looking good by eye.

I actually watched an Artisan Electrics video the other day where they were installing a solar system with Ovo Energy (I think that's there name, sorry if that's wrong), and despite all there careful measuring, when the panels went on, they looked to slope with the roof line, like yours, so they took them off and corrected them. They checked as they went along.

of course the video makes them look good ……
Do you think they should install this screws properly or they should leave this like is? I think this company will try rectify all the issues. I know even if roof is not straight etc they can use 1cm thick pice of wood under just to keep proper level. Also I think they can adjust on clamps. I know using level tools might be not proper in old buildings but they can measure panels from left and right to keep same distance from guttering etc...
My clamps can all be adjusted for height/level.

I'd personally want to know there are at least 2 screws in every roof hook myself.