Damn TV commercials !!

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Evans Electric

Supporting Member
Sep 15, 2008
Reaction score
Don't know if its just me but the TV commercial breaks on some channels seem to go on forever, I lose interest in the programme .

Lets face it, commercial TV is about getting the ads into your home and brainwashing us , keeping you in your chair by inserting a few programmes in between them .

I turn the sound off now ,to prevent total takeover of what is left of my brain.

How I hate them !!!X(X(X( X(

The cinema is as bad , you think the film starts at 8.00 pm but no, 1/2 hour of ads first X(

There is talk of thinning out commercial breaks and instead using product placement.

There is a quite a lot of it happening in some tv programmes now.

I wouldn't mind kicking the poo out of that fat Go Compare bloke and Gavin from Autoglass.

I wouldn't mind kicking the poo out of that fat Go Compare bloke and Gavin from Autoglass.
A while ago a friend of mine [who's a lass] had as her Facebook status update:

"Gavin from Autoglass can come around and inject me with his special resin"


I don't watch live TV we record programmes then watch them back later that way you can skip the adverts.
Do you record to DVD or hard drive batty on freeview. Don't know much about this stuff but am interested as I always miss stuff and would like to record. Suppose I could dust off the old Phillips 2000 and set that up lol

i hate that the volume jumps up for the adverts,

Do you record to DVD or hard drive batty on freeview. Don't know much about this stuff but am interested as I always miss stuff and would like to record. Suppose I could dust off the old Phillips 2000 and set that up lol
My parents have a Humax freeview recorder.. has all the functionality of a sky+ box (but not the channels :( )


watch 1, record 1

record 2, watch recorded

pause live TV


Thats the problem with all the channels except the BBC they use the money they get from advertising to pay for their programs.

Bit of useless info-Reason the progs like Corrie, Eastenders and such like are called soaps is that when similar progs where first broadcast in the USA they where all sponsered by soap manufactures

Remember some years back reading an article about a bloke who had developed a sysytem for radios that when the commercials came on the radio automatcally muted until the music started again. Pity it can't be fitted to TVs.

watch on catch-up later, ads are removed automatically.

And do you notice how much louder the ads are than the main programme??


almost everything i watch has already been recorded, so just skip the adverts

the only downside is i sometimes miss adverts for new series of programs etc, so miss the first episodes

Tv adverts are not louder.

They appear louder because they use the top half of the "frequency" range.

Those two merchant bankers with moustaces in the telephone 118 thing GGrrrrr!

And now of course the Christmas brainwashing begins . I see that we need a new lounge suite and new carpets for Christmas this year .

i hate that the volume jumps up for the adverts,
watch on catch-up later, ads are removed automatically.And do you notice how much louder the ads are than the main programme??

cant say i have mate ;)
